Processing of Packet Bun

by | Jan 7, 2023 | Food Factory

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Packet Buns

Bun or handy round bread is a very popular food in Bangladesh. Many people like to have buns with tea and coffee for morning or evening snacks or even in a break. In the current market situation, there are many organizations available locally and nationally that produce buns. Several large companies in our country are preparing quality bread for us through their bakeries. As a result, people can have quality food at a low cost.

In the Bangladeshi market, packet bread is available under some specific brands. As a result, this is one of the necessary items which can be found easily. These bread companies set up their factories in several other districts of Bangladesh including Habiganj, Ghorashal and Sylhet. They have modern laboratories for daily food quality testing. Every product is released in the market after testing at every step of production. The healthy environment and use of technology in the bakery industry of this country have come a long way. Public acceptance of this packet of bread has slowly increased due to the supply of healthy and nutritious products.

At first, buns were the local bakery product for daily consumption. Later on, it has been producing by fully automatic machines. An automatic factory can bake almost 441600 buns daily.

Due to the popularity of packet buns, companies have ventured to expand the variety of flavors of their buns. So now among all the buns, there are a variety of products including butter buns, peanut butter buns, chocolate buns, pizza buns, jelly buns, etc. So buyers get the chance to enjoy their desired buns in various flavors.

Bun’s dough needs to be mixed properly

The main ingredient in making butter buns is flour. First, the flour is poured into the mixing machine. Then a certain amount of water is given to it. For making dough it needs flour and water in a mixture; this is called ‘Gluten’. Yeast is then added to the dough. Yeast emits carbon dioxide in the fermentation process. As a result, the flour mixture becomes swollen. Then one by one the necessary ingredients like- eggs, milk, sugar, salt and butter are added to the dough. The process of mixing the dough properly in the mixing machine continues until the ingredients are well mixed. Dough preparation takes about 12 minutes.

The dough is then fed into a divider, which divides it according to its specific weight. The dough then goes through a pressing machine. Due to the pressure, the dough expands to a certain thickness and its elasticity increases. The pressed dough is then smoothed by a trimming machine to give it a rectangular shape. Then the dough is inserted into the forming machine. It has a conveyor belt which is like a flattened chain of a bicycle that rotates constantly. This conveyor belt continues to carry forward the dough. At this time the dough is rolled with a pressing roller.

The rolled dough is cut into small pieces according to the specified size by the cutting machine. The pieces are then arranged one after the other in an automatic arranging machine and the buns are placed in a separate mould one by one. The moulds enter a layered conveyor. The conveyor is enclosed by a cabinet with high temperature and humidity. As the temperature increases, the fermentation process becomes faster. As a result, the buns become softer.

From here the buns go into the giant oven. Then the buns are baked at a temperature of 220-230 degrees Celsius. The buns are then taken out of the oven and cooled with air. This baking and cooling process takes about 30 minutes. When it cools down, the buns are cut in the middle and filled with processed buttercream. At the end of this process, the buns are packaged and ready to be sent to the market.

The bun preparation process involves a number of sensitive issues. Any one of these factors can affect the quality of the bun. So in order to maintain its popularity, it has to have a strict control system at every step of the process. In addition, quality verification is done at every step from ingredients selection to packaging. Since the buns contain 40% moisture after preparation, so they are disinfected with ultraviolet rays to prevent bacteria.

Butter Bun is a quick and tasty snack. It is very popular among elders and Youngers. If you feel hungry at any time anywhere, there is an easy solution at a low cost.

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