How Wafer is Made!!

by | Jan 15, 2023 | Food Factory

Traditional Khichuri hobe

A crispy sweet flavored slices of soft dry biscuit

A sweet snack that people of every age love and they cannot deny is the wafer. The wafer is a kind of crunchy biscuit made up of two or more wafers, traditionally made up with hazelnut cream. It is a very sleazy plane piece of a hard substance. The wafer founds its root in ancient Egypt. In ancient Egypt, wafers were made from only refined wheat flour (it was actually flour of emmer, a species of primitive wheat).

Waba, a term of dubious origin used to indicate the honeycomb or the beehive, which is from the word wafer arrived. As a matter of fact, the stamping of the wafer brings to mind the dense network of cells that characterizes the bees’ nest. The young Viennese Joseph Manner placed the foundations for the whole world’s success of the wafer in 1998; there was an official recipe of the wafer then. He had the Neapoliter wafer having 5 layers of waffle filled with hazelnut cream which had a total weight of 7.5gms.

Wafers always offer a unique impressible experience to consumers. A wafer is lighter but still indulgent. It is seldom eaten alone and is often combined with like chocolate or ice cream. Wafers are used as an intermediate component used in the manufacturing of various top-selling confectionery products. Ingredients of the wafer are flour and water dispersions (batter) with small amounts of fat, sugar, salt and sodium bicarbonate, yeast can be used in place or with sodium bicarbonate. For baking needs to generate gassing and steam and pressure and the moisture content of the batter (50-60%) falls to a low level of around 1% towards the end of the baking process.

In the commercial industry, first of all, they made a batter of all the ingredients and rest it for a couple of minutes. The batter should be watery. There is some mould where the batter is given sequentially and the machine gives pressure and it becomes a sheet of the wafer. The process is continuously happening and the sheets of wafer then go under a roller where they are brushed with a creamy layer of flavours that they want. The layered six sheets of wafers were then stored together one by one and then pass into a machine that compressed them together. The whole wafer gets in a container to cut into pieces. Those pieces get a chocolate/vanilla/strawberry layer on their surface and finally, they are ready for packaging. The sorting and packaging need to be done manually. Primary, secondary and tertiary packaging is necessary to make it marketable. Next step is labeling, storing and delivering to the market.

Wafer has the easiest manufacturing process with wondering tests and remarkable popularity among all the generations worldwide. We have verities of wafers in different flavours manufactured by different companies.

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