Fresh to Frozen

by | Jan 17, 2023 | Food Factory

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Frozen foods are convenient to use

We can see a rapid increase in preference for frozen food over fresh food in recent years. There could be many reasons and facts behind this rapid change in behaviours. The first noticeable cause can be a sudden rise in the price of regular products due to inflation. On the other hand, there is a shortage of time for the working person who can’t afford the time of making fresh food every day. Many more reasons can be pointed out if we start looking for a broad answer. However, the popularity of preserved food has gone to a peak recently. 

An increase in price makes people buy seasonal food more than required. In season, they are cheap than usual and easily found. In Bangladesh, we can find tomato the whole year but it grows more in the winter season. Only in this season, it is found at half price than usual days. So, people buy some extra amount of it in Winter. They use the preserved tomatoes for the next few months when the price is high and when it comes to the shortage of time, this way of preservation system can save you from shopping every two or three days a week. Everything is close to your hand which makes your cooking process handy. The change in behaviour can be spotted in the United Kingdom’s market as well where the shoppers are shifting towards frozen foods. 

People frequently buy frozen items like vegetables, fish, meats, snacks and mostly some dairy products. In the past few days, few companies offered these types of products as people didn’t have enough understanding. With the rise in frozen food customers, the change in the number of frozen food-selling companies has increased. Companies are now developing their products’ quality as there are so many competitors available in the market. Their concern has shifted from making high profits to providing healthy frozen items because people are becoming health conscious with time. 

People used to believe that frozen foods are harmful. Preserved food doesn’t harm your health when you can maintain the timeline of consumption and use. For a certain period, they will not cause any life-threatening harm if you are aware of the instructions for use and the time frame to use. Still, there can be a small percentage of risk for developing heart disease. 

Where there are few negative effects, there are also some beneficial results available. It reduces food from being wasted. You can use the needed amount and restore the rest of it. This way you can save some money and food. Vegetables and fruits have some sensitive vitamins and nutrients which can be wasted during transportation or due to the use of preservation. But freezing these items means locking the vitamins from being wasted and no use of preservations. Nonetheless, using these items is much healthier. Convenient to use is its greatest benefit among others. People find this frozen food very easy to consume while having a tiring day. Choose your food wisely so that you don’t have to waste both your time and money.

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