by The Diniverse | Mar 29, 2023 | Top stories
Adam Abdullah, a 4-year-old Londoner, has taken a different approach to raising funds across the UK, Syria, Turkey, Bangladesh and supporting children globally suffering from hunger, war, conflict, natural disasters and other adverse circumstances. During this month...
by The Diniverse | Jan 31, 2023 | Feature
Directory, when we hear this word, a book bigger than a thick dictionary comes to mind, where various types of information and data are arranged in layers. In this age of technological advancement, this information and data are the world’s main driving force....
by The Diniverse | Jan 29, 2023 | Feature
In this new era of globalization, people’s busyness is increasing day by day. At the same time, the standard of living is proportional. With each passing day, eating habits are becoming more and more detrimental to the daily routine. The tendency of people to...
by The Diniverse | Jan 27, 2023 | Recipe
The hotel-style vegetable is absolutely one of the most delicious gravy-type curries. This dish is made with different vegetables and this is the speciality of this item. The vegetables used in it depend on the individual’s choice. It’s a simple but healthy dish and...
by The Diniverse | Jan 27, 2023 | Feature
Dinebd is not just a name, it is something more related to food and food hygiene. If one is talking about food, then ‘Dinebd’ is the first thing that will cross the mind. Everyone is trying to reach heights in the era of development and prosperity. To cope...