Adam Abdullah, a 4-year-old Londoner, has taken a different approach to raising funds across the UK, Syria, Turkey, Bangladesh and supporting children globally suffering from hunger, war, conflict, natural disasters and other adverse circumstances.
During this month of Ramadan, Adam has set a challenge to raise funds by eating one Date per day (a fruit consumed by Muslims around the world to break their fast). The challenge involves Adam recording a video message to nominate someone to consume a date, and donate to his charity page to support vulnerable children. Adam also requests his nominee to select another individual and follow the format of his challenge.

Adam has already reached his target of raising £1,000 within the first three days of Ramadan, and is close to raising double the targeted amount. Showing his excitement and joy, Adam posted a video message to his supporters, “We made it guys! £1000 (has been raised); thank you so much….Inshallah (God willing) I will raise more money (so that) I can support children around the world. Please support me to raise more money and save a child’s life, an angel’s life”.
Adam’s mother, Nahida Choudhury, explains his spirit and excitement around this fundraising initiative: “All I remember is Adam asking questions about what an earthquake is, and when I explained the meaning and consequences of what is happening in Turkey and Syria, he was visibly upset”. Mrs Choudhury went onto say: “He was asking whether the kids are hungry, and wanted to do something about it. I could see he was searching for many answers as to how he could possibly help those impacted, especially those suffering from hunger. When we told him that he can raise funds to help children around the world, he was excited and every time someone donates, he wants to find out how much he has raised”.

Adam’s father, Yemon Abdullah, a Civil Servant expressed, “It’s important we appreciate what we have in this country while children around the world are suffering. Hopefully Adam’s campaign will address the crucial fact of child vulnerability around the world for many reasons and raise awareness amongst our youth in this country”.
Adam’s nominees started posting videos on a Facebook page called ‘The Date Kid’, set up to support his campaign. One of the nominees remarked, “Thank you Adam for taking this challenge, I accept your challenge and you’re such an Angel”. Others are showing their appreciation and making donations.
Adam is raising funds for Ramadan Family Commitment (RFC), an initiative by a satellite TV Channel S. Farhan Masud Khan, Head of Programs & leading on the RFC Project expressed, “At such a tender age, Adam is an incredible inspiration. His passion to raise funds for disadvantaged communities globally will empower the youth to do something positive and make a contribution to others”.