International Food: Sandwich

by | Jan 5, 2023 | International Food, Top stories

Traditional Khichuri hobe

A sandwich is a slice of meat, cheese and other foods between two slices of bread. Although this mode of consumption was invented by John Montago, 4th Earl of Sandwich. In the 18th century, an English nobleman helped to popularize the snack called a Sandwich.

According to a French travel book, the sandwich has sliced meat and bread brought to him when he was playing computer games and eating. Since that time, sandwiches have been incorporated into every cuisine by their simplicity of preparation, portability and endless variety of food.

British tea sandwich made with thin-cut bread filled with fish paste. Scandinavians are served open-faced with artfully composed toppings of fish, sliced meat and salads. In French, hollowed rolls are a popular base. The USA contributed elaborate sandwich formulas, two of the success being the club sandwich of sliced chicken or turkey, bacon, lettuce, and tomato and the Reuben sandwich with corned beef, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and Russian dressing served grilled on black bread. The hamburger on a bun is a staple of the American diet and the peanut butter and jelly sandwich is the mainstay of the American schoolchild. The sandwich’s popularity in Spain and England increased dramatically during the nineteenth century when the rise of industrial society and the working classes made fast, portable and inexpensive meals essential.

In London for example, at least seventy street vendors were selling ham sandwiches by 1850 during that decade sandwich bars also became an important form of eating establishment in western Holland typically serving liver and salt beef sandwiches.

In the UK and Australia, the term sandwich is more narrowly defined than in the US, it usually refers to an item which uses sliced bread from a loaf. An item with similar fillings but using an entire bread roll cut horizontally in half is generally referred to as a roll or with certain hot fillings a burger. However, hot sliced beef between two slices of toasted bread is referred to as a steak sandwich.

Nutritionists say that the health benefits of sandwiches depend on the fillings or the ingredients that are used to make the sandwich. It could be as healthy as a salad if the sandwich is prepared using low-fat ingredients that are loaded with nutrients. The choice of bread is too important in case you wish to enjoy a healthy sandwich. Sandwiches with vegetable fillings are nutritious. It is better to use less amount of cheese and butter in sandwiches. Chicken and eggs could be used in moderation. Instead of tinned fish, it is better to use freshly cooked fish for that extra dose of omega-3 fatty acids.

Sandwiches become carriers of salt, sugar and fat if too much cheese, butter and mayonnaise are used as bases or spreads. Interestingly, sandwiches could be custom-made by filling them with healthier ingredients.

The fibres in the vegetables ensure gut health and ease digestion. Instead of the white pieces of bread that are made using refined flour, healthier versions made using whole wheat could be used to make sandwiches.

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