Gorur Haat

by | Jan 6, 2023 | Feature

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Eid-ul-Adha is one of the biggest festivals which is celebrated among Muslims all over the world. People celebrate this day by sacrificing an animal to show their obedience to Allah. So, the continued demand for cattle in the Bangladesh livestock market grows every year. Local breed cows, in particular, are in high demand in the Bangladesh cow market.

Cow demand surges in a Muslim-majority country before Eid-ul-Adha. This is the busiest time of year for selling and buying cows around the country.

Gabtoli cow hat or cow market is one of Dhaka’s most famous cow markets. It is situated alongside the Turag and Buriganga river channels. This particular cow market or cow hat has always been a popular place for urban residents to buy goats, cows or camels.

Farmers bring their animals to this market from nearby districts like Manikgonj to far north Bengal. It’s important mentioning the various types of cows and goats. Camels have been imported from the far east and sold in Gabtoli Cow Market in recent years. Not only that, but this Cow Hat also sold tiny cow varieties from Nepal last year.

The cows are displayed in the hat

Hazaribagh cow market, also known as cow hat, is a temporary cow selling and buying market built up for the purpose of coming to Qurbani during Eid-ul-Adha. This cow market, popularly known as the cow hat, is well-known in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It is one of the oldest cow markets or hat markets in the world.

This cow market/hat has only been available at Qurbani time since the beginning of Dhaka’s history.

Sometimes it’s worth visiting this cattle market whether you have the intention of buying cow, goat, camel, or sheep or not. You will get a scene of cattle collection for Qurbani.

Basically, there are some other cow markets and cow haat is also famous. Some are worthy to mention like Uttara Cow Market, Baddha Cow Market, Narinda Cow Market, Banani Cow Market, Aftab Nagar Cow Market, Jatrabari Cow Market, Tungi Cow Market, and Gazipur Cow Market.

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