Dinebd Annual Event 2022

by | Jan 21, 2023 | Events, Feature

Traditional Khichuri hobe

‘Dinebd’ is a name of an online restaurant directory platform, where one can find every detail of restaurants in Bangladesh. The journey started with a small dream and it’s been almost one and a half years of nourishing this dream. The CEO and the founder of ‘Dinebd) Mr A M Yemon made this possible to give a wing to this dream. The very dream is now a reality and a reality with success. Recently, ‘Dinebd’ celebrated its first-ever annual event in a 5-star hotel named Six Season Hotel, located in Gulshan.

Dinebd is a whole new concept for the people of Bangladesh and working to establish its five products –‘The Diniverse Magazine’– the theme of this section is ‘Educative, Informative and Entertaining: This food magazine has been officially launched in this grand event grandly. ‘Food Safety & Hygiene’- the theme of this section is ‘Dine with Confidence’ The restaurants will be given rating cards individually and will be under monitoring process. ‘Learning & Development’- this section will concentrate on training and building the skills of restaurant owners to develop their businesses. ‘Dinebd Listing’- the theme of this section is ‘One Stop Search for Restaurant’ The process has already started and the team introduced it at the event. It will be officially introduced soon. ‘Dinebd Digital Content’- the theme of this section is ‘Bringing Restaurants to Your Doorsteps: The company is mainly working for the betterment of the restaurant business and food supply chain of Bangladesh along with its five different sectors. Dinebd team introduced its five products with some marvellous presentations and delivered them amusingly. A new journey was begun with the celebration. Dinebd Listing App and Restaurant Booking System are going to be launched soon.

Mr A M Yemon with the chief guests

The annual event was a success for Dinebd team as it introduced exceptional ideas to many respectful personalities and the people of Bangladesh. This event, Mr Nojibur Rahman, Ex Principal Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office attended as Chief Guest. Professor Dr. Habibe Millat (Honorable Member of Bangladesh Parliament), Mr Khabir Uddin (President at TRIAB), Mr Mohiuddin Helal (Chairman, THISC), Dr Syed Shah Amran (Director, Islamic Foundation, Ministry of Religion Affairs Bangladesh), Mr M Mufid Ahmed, Mr Sultan H Chowdhury, Mr Rafiqul Islam Nasim and many more attended the event as special guests. The contributors of the company also attended the grand event and shared their experiences of working here.

Mr A M Yemon, The CEO and The Founder of Dinebd welcomed all the guests very warmly and quoted- ‘Bangladesh is a good marketplace and the young generation of British-Bangladeshi like me is enthusiastic to do business in this country. As this is my roots and want to give something to my country. I want to create an example to inspire others’.

How beautifully he delivered the speech and introduced this innovative idea to everyone!

The CEO and Founder, Mr A M Yemon is delivering his speech

Dinebd team is grateful to Six Seasons Hotel for their prodigious hospitality and delicious food. Indian food was served to the guests and every single item was mouth-watering. They maintained proper hygiene and provided great service. The entire event was covered by RTV, Asian TV, and Somoy Journal. Dinebd team is delighted to be aired by such renowned media.

The chief guest, special guests, and all the contributors appreciated and encouraged this innovative idea. Chief Guest, Mr Nojibur Rahman, shared his thought and gave a big round of applause to the young, creative, hard-working, and self-made man, the CEO of Dinebd- Mr A M Yemon.

Dinebd Annual Event (2022) is a success because of the dedication and hard work of the entire team. The team gave an excellent performance which resulted in the eminent success of the event. The event encouraged Dinebd to achieve new goals and boosted the team members for the upcoming excellent tasks.

‘Dinebd’ aims to create a history in the food industry with love, authenticity, dedication, and passion where everyone will be benefited. Now, waiting with fingers crossed to celebrate many more biggest achievements of Dinebd.

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