Dhaka International Trade Fair

by | Jan 10, 2023 | Feature

Traditional Khichuri hobe

We have come to know more or less the story of a trade by ship in Arab novels. The stories of people from one country going to another country to trade in their own products are quite exciting. It was through this trade that we first get knowledge about the extraordinary products of different countries. This trade has become much easier throughout the era. The sight of that floating in the sea for months is no longer visible. These are now embellished in storybooks but whether the ship is floating or not, no one would mind seeing this trade throughout the month.

The first thing that comes to mind every year in January is the ‘Dhaka International Trade Fair’. Although the fair started in December 1995, later the fair continued in January. From the beginning of the New Year, the trade fair lasts for a whole month. There is no end to the organization of this fair. Stalls of all the products participating in the fair were set up in a large area of ​​Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in the capital Dhaka. One by one the stalls of a product look different. For everyone who comes to the fair, this decoration is also quite surprising. Neighbouring countries including India, Pakistan, Iran, China, Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and many others take part in trade fairs along with Bangladesh. In addition to the country’s own products, the products of all these countries are the main attraction of the buyers. Apart from the big business organizations of the country, small, medium and new entrants are also organized in this fair.

Dhaka International trade fair is for both international tourists and our countrymen who flock to shop. People from different cities of Bangladesh come to Dhaka for the fair. Bangladesh government arranges special transportation for this fair so that people can enjoy a hassle-free journey. Customers are satisfied with special offers or discounts for merchandise. In fact, just as every organization organizes something special with this fair in mind; many people plan to come to the fair throughout the year.

View of inside Dhaka International Trade Fair

The Dhaka International Trade Fair, organized by the Ministry of Commerce and Export Development Bureau of Bangladesh, runs from January 1 to 31 every year. Although the organization of the fair was hampered due to Covid-19, it was able to successfully organize the fair again this year 2022.

This time the fair was shifted from Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka to the ‘Bangabandhu Bangladesh-China Exhibition Center’ in Purbachal. The fair was successfully completed in January. The trade fair for industrial and consumer goods is not just a place to trade, it is a festival surrounded by various activities that stir the minds of every person who comes here. The impact of such fairs on the economy of Bangladesh is immense.

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