Caviar: The Elegant Food

by | Jan 17, 2023 | Bizarre Food

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Caviar has always been known as luxurious food, called a “dish of the wealthy”. Along with a silky texture, this attractive and expensive food is basically unfertilized sturgeon fish eggs. The caviar comes from various species of rare sturgeon, and it looks like pearl-sized beads. But the most expensive and largest is beluga caviar which is the rarest as well. A couple of years ago, it was like a daily meal to Russian fishermen. Now caviar has become one of the most expensive foods. The reason behind its expensiveness is the sturgeon’s fertility age. A female sturgeon starts producing eggs at the age of 10 or 15 years. That makes sturgeon fish eggs rare. With the help of technology, fish-friendly methods have been used to take out the eggs instead of killing the female fish. 

This nutritious food has protein, iron, vitamin B12, amino acid and a few more. Caviar is good for the skin and also has many health benefits. It is suitable for the heart and lowers the risk of blood clotting, which helps to reduce the chance of stock. It contains selenium that protects our cells from free radical damage. The proper amount of red blood cells is essential for our body. Caviar also helps to produce red blood cells. To boost our mood, caviar can play a good role because it improves our brain and mental health. It has many other health benefits. 

The Expensive dish, Caviar

As we have learned that beluga caviar is the most expensive, we can add two more with beluga in this list, the most dominant power in the caviar world. Those are sevruga and osetra. For a long time, the best quality caviar was exported by Russia and Iran, but now the picture has changed. China has become the largest exporter of caviar recently. Usually, the best quality caviar – beluga, osetra and sevura come from the countries around the Caspian Sea, which is the home of this caviar. 

Caviar is usually served on its own. As well as with toasts and crackers. Mostly served with desserts but can also be combined with other food. A small bite of caviar should be eaten to taste its real delicacy. 

Recently people have started eating other fish eggs because they are inexpensive. Their taste is delicious but couldn’t reach the level of sturgeon caviar. Because of caviar’s delicious taste and attractive look, we have to admit that caviar is an elegant food.

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