Birds Nest Soup

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Bizarre Food

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Bird’s Nest soup has been a part of Chinese cuisine for centuries. Soup made of bird’s nest! Sounds weird right? This soup has a very impressive history. Give this a read to know. 

The soup is made from a consumable bird’s nest which is called the “Caviar of the East”. Bird’s Settle Soup is greatly uncommon to us. The most fixing is the settlement of the swiftlet bird which is ordinarily found in Southeast Asia. Eatable bird’s nests are among the foremost costly creature items devoured by people. The swiftlet lives in dim caves. Rather than twigs and straws, in any case, the swiftlet makes its settle from strands of its saliva, which is created by the organs beneath the tongue. The nest at that point solidifies when uncovered to discuss. Most homes are built amid the breeding season by the male swiftlet for 35 days and they take the shape of a shallow container stuck to the cave divider. 

In spite of the fact that a bird’s nest is usually white, there exists a ruddy form, called “blood nest”, which is altogether more costly and accepted to have more restorative esteem. The reason for its characteristic redness has been a confusing matter for centuries. Opposite to prevalent convictions, a ruddy bird’s nest does not contain haemoglobin, the protein capable of the colour of human blood. The analyst has detailed in 2013 that ‘bird soil’ containing guano droppings from winged creature houses was able to turn white eatable bird’s homes ruddy, which consumable bird’s nests colour is likely caused by the natural components in cave add and feathered creature houses.

To make bird’s nest soup it needs to be soaked overnight.  When the nest gets softened, it is chopped into portions. After that, the portions are mixed with chicken stock, oil and ginger. Then it takes 15-20 minutes to be boiled. When the nests have dissolved, sugar and salt can bring more taste while cooking it for another 30-40 seconds. 

Bird’s nest doesn’t have a parcel of taste, and its surface is comparable to relaxed gelatin and jam. Chinese individuals ordinarily cook Bird’s nest Soup with shook sugar and serve it as a sweet dessert soup. A few individuals have this item without sugar sometimes and use blended spices according to their choice. 

It is said that Bird’s nest Soup contains lots of benefits for our bodies. It increases our immunity system and the number of red blood cells. On the other hand, it reduces fatigue. This soup works like an anti-ageing supplement which helps repair our skin. Apart from all this goodness, it enhances our disease prevention system.  

The foremost prized are “red nests” from the red-nest swiftlet, which can fetch as much as $10,000 per kilogram. In any case, the foremost common are white and black-nest swiftlet homes, which run between $5,000 and $6,000 per kilogram. And if you’re ordering a bowl of this soup from any restaurant it will cost you 30$-100$.

Birds nest soup has a history of 400 years and are the most expensive delicacy in the world however swiftlet nests are still banned in some countries by food administrations due to H5N1 avian flu. 

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