Garlic: A Spice That Makes Your Pasta Sauce Delicious

by | Jan 3, 2023 | Spices

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Garlic helps to lower blood pressure

Garlic is basically a species of the Allium family. The indigenous land of garlic is Middle Asia, West China to be more exact. There is historical evidence is that The Egyptians introduced garlic almost 5000 years ago. It is grown almost everywhere in the world. The best season for growing garlic is fall to spring. It demands a cold temperature to grow up. Garlic is correlated to onions and shallots. It is a famous ingredient in cooking for being flavourful. 

Garlic is usually consumed cooked but can be eaten raw, which is even better because the raw form preserves all its beneficial nutrients. People mostly use garlic to flavour foods such as dressing salads, marinades, sauces, soups, vegetables and stews. Garlic is used for garlic butter and garlic toast which are famous for their delicious taste. Garlic sauce has already earned enough fame for having a saporous taste. This is the perfect creamy dipping or drizzling sauce for so many recipes such as kebabs, pizza, crudités, crisps, chips, meat or fish.

Though Garlic is nothing, it does more to make your pasta sauce delicious. It has so many impressive health benefits as it is stuffed with important vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin B6, manganese and other antioxidants, including allicin.

Studies found that if you take garlic supplements, it may lower your blood pressure up to 10% and the one supplement is equivalent to four garlic cloves.

Besides that, it helps to reduce cardiovascular diseases by lowering cholesterol. It has been shown in a report that garlic supplements work in reducing the severity of colds and flu. There are some proofs that garlic can help decrease bone loss by increasing estrogen in women, which can be a big win for bone health after menopause. Garlic can be a medicine for your skin concerns. You can rub raw garlic over your pimples to kill bacteria as it contains antioxidants but overdoing this process may give you bad reactions. It’s clearly visible that garlic is undoubtedly an amazing ingredient to keep you fit. However, certain compounds found in raw garlic may irritate the digestive tract, which could cause a burning sensation in the chest or stomach.

The largest producer of garlic in China. In our country, the production rate of garlic is very low. Basically, the non-availability of HYV seed at the proper time, lack of technical knowledge, an infestation of insects and diseases and low market price were the major problems of garlic cultivation in Bangladesh.

The average annual growth rate of garlic is 6.27%. Moreover, the production of garlic is insufficient in our country compared to other spices.

However, Garlic is definitely a master spice throughout the world. Most people never mind having the flavour and presence of garlic in their dishes.

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