World Tuna Day

by | Jan 16, 2023 | Special Day

Traditional Khichuri hobe

For a very long time, Tuna has captured the hearts of millions of people worldwide as one of the most popular saltwater fish and is considered a staple item in their day-to-day lives. After the declaration from the United Nations, the 2nd day of May is now celebrated as World Tuna Day all around the world to make people aware of the importance of this species.

Tuna comes from the Thunnini tribe of seawater fishes. Tuna is widely popular because of its availability. Approximately seven million tons of tuna are harvested every year and distributed and processed for consumption in 96 countries worldwide. It is considered one of the most commercially valuable fish on earth. Tuna consists of many proteins, minerals, vitamin B12 and Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA that helps in brain development and keeps the eyes and heart healthy.

A bowl of tuna salad

It has been ruled as a sensational food item that has created its fan base among people as it can be consumed raw, cooked, frozen and canned, etc. There are straightforward ways to incorporate tuna in a recipe but rather fancier ways to serve tuna. It is a versatile food item that has bound people through its gratifying palate. It can be used in a plain old sandwich or as a main ingredient in a tuna salad, or it can also be served in the form of an expensive steak or sushi.

The highest amount of tuna is processed in Thailand, but it is most prevalent in Japan and the United States and the UK, as they are the top consumers of this item. In the United States, tuna is a vital part of every healthy diet plan, so tuna salad has become the favourite dish for people on a diet. In Japan, it is widely used for Sashimi and Sushi dishes and in the UK, canned tuna is the most commonly purchased fish item as it is widely available and is of low cost.

Tuna has become a substantial element of the culinary world, but the amount of tuna is reducing because of the massive demand for it, resulting in over-fishing. The existing tuna species are not given enough time to lay eggs and those eggs do not get to grow. World Tuna Day has been given recognition so that people can appreciate the rich nutrients and economic advantages we receive from these species and provide them with enough time to nourish and reproduce.

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