World Chocolate Day

by | Jan 19, 2023 | Special Day

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Millions of cocoa beans not only get moulded into chocolate, but they also mould into happiness. The cocoa bean originated in the Amazon whereas 30 per cent of the world’s cocoa is grown in Africa. Chocolate has now become a symbol of love, care, and the front face of luxury of taste. Chocolate is mankind’s one of the greatest culinary invention.

International chocolate day is a special tribute to this intertwined sweet item that took special efforts for close ones, one stage further. Apart from world chocolate day, there are various other days dedicated to chocolate like Bittersweet chocolate day(10 January), Milk Chocolate Day (28 January), White Chocolate Day( 22 September), and chocolate-covered anything day(16 December) among others.

The enormous yearning for chocolate added an eye-catching privilege for the sweet traders which also had a massive impact on economic growth and added more variation to the making of different kinds of sweets through chocolate. Each year the world celebrates the chocolate day, the date varies each year differently. Giving chocolate is now a symbol of expressing love to our close ones. Particularly, though people don’t need an individual day to give their love or attention to their special someone, people give chocolate as a souvenir of the care that they hold for their dearest ones. Mainly chocolates get moulded into three main types: white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate. Apart from being incredibly tasty, these chocolates also have many health benefits. 

The main types of chocolate

One can choose whatever flavours suit them. Chocolate day is also intertwined with the valentine’s week celebration. Chocolate is the best accompaniment for any joyous occasion. For lovers, birthdays, weddings, or quite any event chocolates have become the most prominent gift item around the community. Without even going into yore it is undeniably the first thing that comes to mind whenever something good happens. There are several accounts about the chronology of the association between chocolate and emotional connection. The most popular accounts relate to prominent chocolate makers and philanthropists, including Richard Cadbury. Valentine’s day began getting attention in the 1840s, and soon, people began exchanging chocolates and flowers as gifts on cheerful days. Before being discovered by foreign invaders, chocolate was available only in particular countries and regions including Mexico and Central America. Surprisingly apart from eating or drinking, chocolate was also used as currency in the Aztec culture. 

This token of love with chocolate went to symbolize the chocolate day. Over the years people across the globe began gifting each other chocolates on the day. With wrapping chocolates, they sent those to their loved ones even overseas. Undoubtedly over decades, chocolate has been the centre of attraction for children along with adults. May delighted and healthy habits take place with a healthy routine of inundating anything.  

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