Tourism for Inclusive Growth

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Special Day

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Tourism is a source of pleasure. Travelling broadens our minds and exploring the world enhances our knowledge. To gain ideology of different cultures travelling has no alternative. It afforded opportunities to learn new languages, experience different cuisines, and generally see what there was to see.

World Tourism Day was established by The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to promote sustainable, responsible, and universally accessible tourism. It benefits both the tourist and the locations that they visit and is one of the major drivers of economic growth.

Ever since 1980, World Tourism Day is celebrated annually across the world on September 27. It was on this day in 1970 when the Statutes of the UNWTO were adopted which are considered a milestone in global tourism. UNWTO celebrated the first World Tourism Day as an international observance on September 27, 1980. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness of the importance of tourism in affecting the social, cultural, political and economic values of the international community. In current times, it is important to raise awareness about the tourism sector given that 90% of World Heritages Sites closed as a result of the pandemic and young people in rural communities are three times more likely to be unemployed. However, domestic tourism is expected to return before international tourism, as per UNWTO’s foresight. This could benefit rural communities if managed well.

Every year UNWTO gives a theme to celebrate World Tourism Day in a different way. The theme for World Tourism Day 2020 was “Tourism and Rural Development” as countries across the world depend on the sector to drive recovery. This year will celebrate the importance of tourism in providing jobs and opportunities, mostly for women and youth, in rural as well as big cities and in preserving cultural and natural heritage all around the world apart from being a leading employer and economic pillar. It highlights preserving and promoting culture and heritage all around the world. In 2019 the theme was “Tourism and Jobs: A better future for all”. As tourism is a major source of employment. Overall tourism accounts for one in ten jobs worldwide. 2018’s theme was Sustainability & Digital Transformation in Tourism. It highlights the need for investment in disruptive digital technologies that can help foster an environment for innovation and entrepreneurship in tourism. 

For individual growth, tourism is important

“Tourism for Inclusive Growth” is the theme for World Tourism Day 2021. This year’s official celebration will be hosted by Cote D’Ivoire. On World Tourism Day we may learn which country is famous for which foods. As food and drink provide lasting memories that define a travel experience. Today’s tourist is better informed, more cultured, well-travelled and looking for new experiences.  Food offers a gateway into other cultures, through taste, through food preparation and the whole environment. Food plays an important role in attracting tourists. 

Now, Bangladesh, which is very much rich in natural beauties like Cox’s Bazar, Kaptai, Sylhet, the Sundarbans, and the Chittagong hill tracts, among others, are blessed with enchanting natural beauties. Cox’s Bazar has the world’s largest natural sand beach. The wide beach at low tide is the pleasure-seeker’s paradise. The silvery beach with an evergreen picturesque background is the tourist’s ideal dreamland. The Kaptai-lake is famous for its charming scenic beauty. Sylhet is famous for its evergreen tea gardens on the sloping hills. It’s also known as the land of “two leaves and a bud” and of saints and pirs. The Sundarbans with their attractive flora and fauna present an unforgettable scene to tourists.

Eating foods is healthier and it is necessary for our physical health. Besides, we should remember to take care of our mental health. Foods like travelling, in that case, are essential for our minds. With the theme of this year’s World Tourism Day, we can utter together, long live travel! Long live tourism! 

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