The Best Food for Our Pet Birds

by | Jan 14, 2023 | Pet Food

Traditional Khichuri hobe

What do we feed our pet bird? A bird parent hears this question every day. The concept of the avian diet is much more different than birdseed and parrot pellets. Lovebirds, Budgies, Pacific Parrotlets, Cockatiels, Monk Parakeet Parrots and other companion birds demand varied, nutritious food, which can comprise seeds but also pellets and fruits and vegetables. Apropos feeding pet birds correctly should have a fisticuff of healthy options.  

The Base Diet for Birds:

Food that is equable: In the forest, Birds eat different kinds of foods: Seeds, nuts, grasses, flowers, fruits, insects and the chart goes on. The variation in seasons brings different kinds of foods and birds to feed themselves on what is available. At the house, your bird also nourishes itself on what is obtainable. So it should be the most balanced, natural and whole food. A bird’s diet is troublesome to his health. A bad diet will not live out his entire life span. It will most likely succumb to any kind of viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Good food boosts the immune system. A healthy diet is also important to the mental health of parrots and other companion birds. 

Bird Seeds & Bird Pellets: Lots of new bird owners turn out confused about what they should feed their birds. Bird’s pellets or seeds? There are lots of options and so many ideas. Both pellets and seeds are nutritious foods, and one is not essentially superior to the other, depending on what else you are feeding your bird. 

Vegetables & Fruits: Great Snack for Finches, Parrots & Canaries

Vegetables and fruits make illustrious everyday snacks. Particularly dark green or orange colour food is more nutritious for your bird. Try different kinds of fresh foods to see which one your bird likes the best. If you think that your bird is a picky pet bird, try to feed it various fresh foods in a variety of ways: mashed, chopped and whole grated and so on. You have to keep trying on feeding a certain nutritious item. It may take some time for your bird to get curious enough to try it.

Fruits: Pineapple, Orange, Melon, Berries, Banana, Apple, 

Veggies: Yam, Squash, Sprouts, Soybeans, Peppers, Peas, Leafy greens, Celery, Cauliflower, Carrots, Broccoli, Beans (cooked only), and Asparagus.

Pet birds also need good foods


Veterinarians often advise dietary supplementation for ‘seed junkies’ some birds refuse to touch anything other than seeds. In this case, we should consider a dietary supplement for our birds to keep them in a good shape.

Cooking For Your Bird:

Birds can eat a home-cooked meal as much as we do. We can cook nutritious meals and it is very easy. You need to crack an egg and you can make a palatable bird recipe. Here are 3 dishes to try: Healthy Snacks, Pan (Avi) Cakes, and Nutri-Berrie. 

This is great to offer nutritious snacks to your pet bird. It is important that the snacks should be fun to eat like popcorn, berry, nut, etc. Usually, you will offer snacks formulated for birds rather than sugary, salty or fatty treats. A healthy snack should make up no more than 10% of your bird’s diet in a week. It can also include cakes, rice, and whole-wheat crackers. Take good care of your pet bird with good food. 

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