Home Cooked Food for Dog

by | Jan 18, 2023 | Pet Food

Traditional Khichuri hobe

The chemistry between humans and dogs has been long recognized as one of the deepest bonds around. Dog lovers are more cautious than ever about their pet foods’ land nutrition. Although recommendations vary on what diet is best for dogs. Some people claim dogs have thrived on leftovers and scraps from their human owners based on historic records although veterinarians say differently. Recently veterinarians are suggesting pet owners feed their pets home-cooked foods as it is healthier for their pets than commercial pet foods.

Commercial dog foods contain poor-quality meats, additives, and other ingredients dogs should not ingest. Also, commercial dog food is not nutritionally sufficient for their dogs. Another popular diet for pet dogs is raw feeding which primarily consists of uncooked meat, edible bones, and organs. It is also not very accepting among vets. Usually, dogs need a variety of nutrients which contains different things. It is really important that one feed their dog a balanced diet and that is where the idea of home-cooked dog food comes from.

Now the best part about making homemade dog food is just like making anything at home so that one knows exactly what is going into the dog bowl and not any of those questionable gelatinous junks from the canned food. But it’s important to note that dogs have different nutrient requirements than humans for their proportional body size, such as High-quality protein (meat, seafood, dairy or eggs), Fat (meat or oil), Carbohydrates (grains or vegetables), Calcium (dairy), Essential fatty acids (egg yolks or oatmeal) etc. Another top reason behind vets suggesting home-cooked food for dogs more and more is because of the reason of many dogs have digestion issues.

Many dog owners are now happy after adopting home-cooked dog food for their puppies. They face fewer stomach issues in their dogs. Also, it was reported to many vets in the US that after continuing home-cooked food for their doggies, they find less awful smells in their doggy’s mouths. To summarize home cooked food for the dog has many advantages which include the dog’s overall good health to not paying frequent visits to the vet.

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