Hot Dog

by | Jan 10, 2023 | International Food

Traditional Khichuri hobe

The name ‘Hot Dog’ doesn’t have a slight similarity with its look of it. It is quite obvious that everyone wondered when the first time they heard the name. A flavorful sausage is served in the middle of a bun with cheese and tomato sauce and a topping is called a Hot Dog. 

Rome is the first country that has introduced this food. Over time Germans started their experiment on hot dogs and they modified it a little. With a fully different version in 1860, it was brought to America. Tad Dorgon, sports cartoonist for the ‘New York Times’ named that fast food snack a Hot Dog. His cartoon that is related to this food became a sensation and from then it is being used all over the world.

Smoked or cooked sausage is used in a hot dog and sausage contains ground meat, herbs and spices which can be in different sizes. It is one of the most delicious foods enjoyed by people of all ages. It offers key nutrients which are needed for a human body to grow properly. It provides proteins, vitamins and daily value that are needed for the maintenance and development of our body. Also, it is a great source of vitamin 12 which is important for the normal metabolism and brain development of children. 

One hot dog can reduce your stress

People believe that hot dogs have fat and high level of sodium which may lead them to be overweight.  But now, many places offer low-fat hot dogs. There are different types of hot dogs with different flavoured sausages that would meet everyone’s choice, even with their diet chart. 

Toppings used in hot dogs can add some extra calories. But anyone can avoid toppings if they want to maintain their diet. Some like to add vegetables to their hot dog as it’s healthier and help our body to be fit. 

In this era of food lovers, among many foreign foods, the hot dog got its acceptance everywhere. It is rich in taste and beneficial for health as well. As its mane is completely different from the item, it always holds a particular place in the food world. 

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