Dumpling: The Charming Ears

by | Jan 9, 2023 | International Food

Traditional Khichuri hobe

A dumpling, a little piece of dough filled with various rich flavours, is one of the famous traditional Chinese dishes in the world. This significant food represents Chinese culture internationally. Moreover, it symbolizes how the Chinese maintain harmony in putting flavours and decorating the dish. This dish serves in different shapes with flavours.

The dumpling can be prepared by baking, boiling, steaming, or even frying. In addition, it differs in forms and filling and its style of cooking as well. However, this food has a great historical background that has been passed down year after year across many cultures. It is invented as medicine at first and later on, it has become a significant and popular dish for its delicious taste.

A famous Chinese physician named Zhang Zhongjing invented dumplings. He had exceptional skills for healing people. One day, while returning to his hometown for his retirement, he saw many people suffering from hunger, and they got frostbitten ears (Frozen ears) due to the cold weather and lack of food in the winter season. After returning home, he got tensed by thinking about their misery. He tried to prepare a broth by putting mutton, dried herbs, chillies, and various cold-dispelling drugs into it. When the soup became ready, he extracted the solid part and minced it up. Then he made Ear-shaped dough and filled it with minced meat and the ingredients of the soup. When he gave those ‘Charming Ears’ and a bowl of soup to the patients, they got immediate relief, and their ears got entirely cured. Zhang Zhongjing’s act of kindness to give out medicine lasted till Chinese New Year’s Eve. Since then, Chinese people have started to eat dumplings to celebrate New Year’s Day and the day for recovery of their ears. In addition, it has become an integral part of Chinese holidays, traditions, and even superstitions.

Different types of dumplings

Dumplings are formerly known as ‘Jiaoer’ (Charming Ears). The new name dumpling means ‘Wealth’ because of their traditional gold/silver ingot (traditional Chinese money) shape. In the northern province of China, dumpling is served as a significant dish during the new year. It is said in China that eating dumplings can bring wealth and prosperity in the upcoming year. There is another tradition regarding dumplings that to put clean coins in one of the dumplings. The coin-filled dumpling is called the ‘Lucky Dumpling’. They believe that whoever bites down the gold coin, great wealth will be with him in the coming year. 

Though dumpling is a traditional food of the Chinese culture it has become one of the common foods nowadays in other Asian countries. Dumplings got different names according to their various shapes, cooking styles, and delicious fillings. The crescent-shaped dumplings symbolize the moonshine, and it promises a bright and prosperous year ahead. Moreover, it is believed in China that the round-shaped dumplings signify family reunions as most families prepare dumplings at midnight on New Year’s Eve. There is another interesting fact that the most popular kind of dumpling is ‘Huntun’. In English, it is called ‘Wonton’ which is unknown to many wonton-lovers. Although its origin is in China, it has spread worldwide now as a popular dish item. Dumpling never fails to satisfy the taste buds. That is why this ancient food from the 17th century conquers the whole world with its luscious flavours.

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