Colourful Fruit: Dragon

by | Jan 15, 2023 | Fruitopia

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Dragon fruit has so many health benefits

Most people get attracted by the colourful and bold appearance of Dragon fruit. This majestic fruit has hot pink to dark red colour on the outside, but inside, it looks like white pulp with tiny black seeds, sometimes it’s red pulp with black seeds inside. This type of dragon fruit is prevalent and available in the market. Another type is a yellow dragon with yellow skin. 

This exotic fruit tastes slightly sweet and floral or somewhat like a pear with a little crunchy texture. It can be gulped quickly as a slice. Also, it can be an excellent ingredient for a salad or smoothie. The name Dragon was given and accepted by people easily for its unique appearance. It natively grows in Mexico, Central America, South America. In Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Dragon is the most famous fruit. This fruit is cultivated in the United States and Southeast Asia as well. 

Dragon fruit contains magnesium & iron in it, and it has a small amount of seven nutrients. This fruit contains low calories, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and many more healthy ingredients.

That is why this fruit is called a superfood. Antioxidants protect our cell from damaging which means antioxidant fights against ageing. Its various beneficial ingredients help in controlling diabetes, lowering cholesterol, preventing arthritis & asthma. Not only these but Dragon fruit is also known for improving heart health and helping in weight management. A good source of omega is found in the tiny black seed, known for decreasing cardiovascular disorders. 

Due to the bitter flavour of its skin, people usually don’t eat or use it with any other dishes. But some like the skin for its bitterness, so they use it in the salad. 

In Bangladesh, Dragon fruit gained popularity in the last few years. Many entrepreneurs have achieved great success by investing in this sector. People are interested in the cultivation of dragon fruit because of its huge demand. In the near future, this sector will make a huge difference in our economy if we encourage dragon fruit growers to grow more and export them to different countries.

Because of its excellent health benefits and availability, demand for this fruit is growing gradually. People are becoming enthusiastic about cultivating Dragon fruit due to its widespread demand.

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