Kacchi The Mughal Pride

by | Jan 14, 2023 | Experience

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Kachhi is the solution for each occasion

It is believed that eating favourite food triggers the release of dopamine, a feel-good neurotransmitter in the brain.  Food gives us energy for activity and growth but when we eat our favourite food it makes us happy as well as gives us energy. 

I would like to share the experience of ‘Kacchi Biriyani’ I have tasted a few days ago. Before I go through my experience I want to let you know a brief history of the revolution of ‘Kacchi Biriyani’.

According to many historians that Biriyani originated from Persia and was brought to India by the Mughals.

The word ‘Biriyani’ comes from the Persian word ‘Birian’. It means ‘fried before cooking’ the Biriyani we eat is actually fried with ghee before it is processed. ‘Biriyani’ was the cheapest and easy food for warriors in a war but nowadays it’s a traditional vibe for us as Bengali. Conventionally, rice was fried before boiling. Rice was fired in ghee or clarified butter and then cooked in boiling water. 

The perfection is likely that rice would not clump together and it would retain its shape when mixed with the meat. Blend of aromatic spices, Basmati rice and a choice of meat: lamb, and chicken made the dish in a consumer’s way. Alternatively, it can be made with vegetables also. This food is very much famous nowadays because many restaurants come up with innovative ideas and recipes to make it more tasty and healthy. 

A plate of kacchi is known as happiness

The ‘Kacchi’ I enjoyed was served in way pleasurable manner and a little bit different from the traditional recipe. They added their secret recipe and so many spices which made it fantastic in taste. The other ingredients of the recipe were added as followed and the visual look of the ‘Kacchi’ was incredible for approved colouring agent colouring spices. It was hot and the mutton was perfectly cooked. The size of the mutton was good enough to eat to the heart’s content.  When the ‘Kacchi’ arrived at my table I felt like my love is coming closer to me. My heart rate was increasing and my appetite was too. I lost for a while with the ‘Kacchi’. Someone said it truly which we like most it can control the release of dopamine the hormone, responsible for feels like good. So it was a great experience for me there were so many things which cannot be expressed in words but sharing the experience of food, especially which dish I like the most is like I am sharing the story of any adventure I recently experienced. It was indeed. 

In this sharing content, I just tried to explore the history of the famous dish we enjoy in these recent days and a brief discussion about the recipe and my experience. Hopefully, everyone will choose their dish in their way, so be focused on your very own taste and interest of eat. Stay Blessed! 

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