A Food Beyond Imagination

by | Jan 14, 2023 | Experience

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Fresh crab fry in Cox's Bazar

When it comes to food, I become a reserved person. Usually trusting food from a different culture is outside my comfort zone. So, I always try to have some specific and known food wherever I go. But things started changing ever since I started travelling. In 2018, I visited Cox’s Bazar for the first time and I must say that it was a memorable tour because I tried ‘Loitta Fry’ and ‘Crab Fry’ for the first time there. As I said that I don’t trust unknown food, so having Loitta Fry and crab fry wasn’t a piece of cake for me. 

My friends were the reason behind having these foods but now I am glad that I tried them. To me, both items were the most delicious food anyone could ever have. In Chittagong, most people love loitta fish (Bombay duck). People enjoy it as a curry and fry. But as an outsider, I would say that the travellers will love loitta fry the most. I always thought loitta as a soft and slimy fish that could not be anyone’s favourite. But I should admit that I was wrong because Loitta Fries are indeed a delight.  The crispness is the main attraction of the fry. Crispy from the outside but when you take a bite of it, you will love the soft part as well. That happened to me. The herbs they use for the outer part are totally different from any other fish fry. With a single bite, you will definitely become a loitta fry lover and I am sure about it. Loitta fry is the signature food of Cox’s Bazar and most tourists’ favourite. It is a must-have dish that one should try in a lifetime.

Crab fry is a delicious medley of spices and aromatics. Its fiery kick is perfectly balanced by the sweetness of crab meat. Personally, I hated crab for its weird look. I wondered how people can easily consume this hard-shelled crustacean. But I ended up loving this.

It tastes a little bit like prawn but its shell is harder. The fleshy part of the inside is quite average but the spicy and salty flavour of the outer side is unique and tempting as well. The taste of crab fry depends on the proper use of spices.

Different types of spices enhance the taste. Fresh crab fry tastes different. In Cox’s Bazar it is easy to get fresh crabs, so anyone will notice the difference in taste. However, it is another must-have if you visit Cox’s Bazar. 

For some people, loitta and crab are taboo, especially crab meat. But I can say from my experience that they might change their mind like me if they try these foods for once.  

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