Drink & Beverages: Classic Margarita

by | Jan 5, 2023 | Drinks and Beverage, Insight

Traditional Khichuri hobe

In the list of drinks and beverages, there will always be a cocktail present. If you are searching for a perfect cocktail, it will always be a margarita.

The cocktail margarita is a classic drink consisting of tequila, orange liqueur, and lime juice. Most of the time it is served with salt on the rim of the glass. The most important thing is that it is served shaken with ice, blended with ice, or without ice.

There are so many recipes you will find on the internet. But the classic recipe is just about 3 parts of tequila, 2 parts of triple sec, and 1 part of freshly squeezed lime juice, and you should probably start off pretty close to that.

The proportions are just about 3-2-1.

The margarita is considered a strong cocktail. Because it has a high alcoholic content.

However, the amount of alcohol varies, it depends on which type it is and also the ingredients that are used. A classic margarita can be as strong as 33% percent.

It’s hard to explore the man who created the margarita. Though there is no doubt that it was famous for calling it Mexico’s Classic Tequila Sour. After that, it has become one of the most beloved cocktails in the world.

But the real story behind its origin is very much numerous.

Some stories claim that the drink was created in 1938. There was a Mexican restaurant owner named Carlos Herrera. He mixed it for gorgeous Ziegfeld showgirl Marjorie King. At that time Tequila was the only alcohol that King would abide by, and for that Herrera added lime juice and salt.

Others claim that include that Texas socialite Margaret Sames mixed the first drink at a house party in Mexico in 1948.

But it is true that it was named after the ‘Daisy’ flower. ‘Margarita’ is Spanish for ‘Daisy’. 

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