
The Man with Many Title: Chef Vikas Khanna

Chef Vikas Khanna is an accomplished Indian chef who has made a significant contribution to the culinary world. Born on November 14, 1971, in Amritsar, India, Khanna has risen to become one of the most influential chefs in the world. His achievements in the culinary...

Raj Ahmed

Over time, all areas of the world meet changes. The kitchen does not lag behind in any part. Inside the house and outside, the person who contributes to the kitchen is constantly providing us with delicious and healthy food. There is a difference between knowing how...

Kazi Ashiq Iqbal: Executive Chef of Arif’s Diet

Nowadays, people are more inclined towards outside food than home-cooked food. Busyness and lack of time is driving people away. In this haste, we are becoming indifferent to the fact that the most necessary and important thing, nutrition, is to maintain balance. In...

Gordon James Ramsay

The international chef Gordon James Ramsay was born on 8 November 1966 in the city of Glasgow, Scotland. Scottish by birth, Gordon grew up in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. A premature injury ended his hopes for a promising soccer career, so he returned to college to...
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