Mango Pickle – A mysterious Traditional Food

by | Jan 21, 2023 | Blog

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Mango Pickle has several health benefits

When we think of mango pickles, the first thing that comes to our mind is our mother’s face. I don’t think that’s the case with me, everyone is like that. Mango pickle has been a traditional dish in everyone’s home since childhood. There are many memories involved with this. Getting a little emotional. Let’s get back to the mango pickle kingdom from here.

Mango pickle is mostly liked by all people, there is hardly anyone who does not love pickle. It is easily prepared at home. For the preparation of mango pickle, a few simple steps are followed one by one. First, some mangoes are bought from the market or garden. Then mangoes are cleaned in freshwater properly. Now the cleaned mangoes are cut into pieces. In the next step spices, salt mustard oil, and chili are mixed with the cut pieces. This time the pieces of mangoes are kept in the sun repeatedly for a few days. These are the basic steps to make pickles, but there are several ways to make them. Ingredients can vary from pickle to pickle like chili powder, coriander powder, ginger, garlic, turmeric, mustard, cumin, fenugreek, etc. 

Mango pickles may be produced in a number of different ways. Mango pickle is prepared differently in different areas. They have a deep flavour and texture, with a wonderful spice punch in each swallow. Mangoes are a seasonal fruit, which makes the pickle even more unique because it is only created during the summer season. Only the mass-produced mango pickles are accessible for consumption all year. These pickles can be of various tastes from sweet to sour as well as mixed tastes. This amazing food item is nothing but a heavenly feeling. As you can see, each mango pickle is prepared differently with some common and some unique ingredients. However, their tastes are quite different from each other.

Mango pickle not only enhances appetite but also has enormous health benefits. Pickle feed helps to boost friendly bacteria in the gut to treat problems like diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation. Eating a side of pickles with your meal helps your body to absorb more nutrients. A lactic acid found in the pickle juice helps your stomach to break down foods better so that you can get more nutrients and heal the human body. If you suffer from heartburn or acid reflux then it is highly recommended. Pickle juice and pickles are one of the best things that you can use to fight muscular cramps and spasms. You will be astonished to know that eating pickles have been shown to relieve social anxiety, stress, and tension because the probiotics help to make you feel good, more relaxed, and less likely to suffer from mental health problems. 

Pickle manufacturing has been practised for thousands of years. The term “pickle” is derived etymologically from the Dutch word “pekel,” which means “saline.” Pickles are said to have originated in ancient Persia, where meat, fruits, and pickles were preserved in salt, vinegar, honey, or syrup, according to some historians. Other research suggests that pickle-making goes back to BCE 2030 in the Tigris River lowlands. The history of achaar preparation may be traced back to Gurulinga Desika’s Kannada work Lingapurana, which was published in 1594 CE. There are about fifty different types of pickles mentioned in this literature. It does not matter where this delicious food comes from, when it comes to pickles everyone just wants to have it.

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