Food Crisis in Pakistan

by | Jan 19, 2023 | Blog

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Food crisis in Pakistan is getting worse

In recent times we have seen a devastating food crisis in Pakistan. People are getting killed while collecting subsidized food given by the government at a lower price. The whole world is going through many crises, there are multiple issues affecting the world, for example, due to the rapid increase of inflation, Ukraine & Russia war and also post-pandemic. We are facing a food shortage as the supply chain is almost broken. All these factors are affecting the food sector significantly. 

Inflation is one of the causes of the current situation in Pakistan but it needs to be mentioned that the country faced disastrous floods in summer. Shortage of wheat grain has reached its peak. According to Time News, floods damaged the country’s crops and government officials estimated the damage to nearly 80% of the crops. This leads them to an economic crisis as well, so the country’s foreign exchange reserve is being minimized. 

Some places in this country may face the worst situation in a few weeks as they couldn’t find any solution to solve the shortage issue. Also, the growing sovereign debt is the biggest concern for them. Pakistan’s economy is facing ups and downs for the last few years. Issues like this and the floods led them to experience inflation and higher price of products. 

As the Government of Pakistan was requesting the International Community to consider their crisis by providing support, some countries assured to help Pakistan get through this situation in The International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan. Along with this, Saudi Arabia has also shown interest in investing in Pakistan which might help them to stabilize their economic situation for a while. The experts are trying to find some solution even after being assured of getting support from others. Getting help can be a long process so, they are not only relying on this. The people of the country are hoping to get out of this situation soon because the high price of products is making their living very costly.

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