Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Thanksgiving Day!

No matter how people live their lives in this world, the first basic need is the same for everyone and that is food. From the ‘Big Bang’ until today, every creature has been trying to find food. Food keeps us alive, gives us energy and increases our ability to do many...
Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Christmas! When you hear the name, the first thing that comes to mind is a tree with bright lights, colourful balls, stars, chocolates, lamps and many more. It reminds us of an old red-dressed grandfather with white hair and a beard who brings gifts to everyone....
Kala Bhuna

Kala Bhuna

Food lover or not, Bengali just loves beef! No matter how little you eat and diet, everyone is mad about beef. When beef is cooked, it seems an occasion going on. It seems there could never be a good celebration without having beef. There are hundreds of styles to...


Around the subcontinent, the culture of having ‘KHICHURI’ is a kind of tradition. Throughout centuries it appeared with different variants. Rice and varieties of lentils (Daal) with necessary spices are the main ingredients of this tasty food. Khichuri is preferred by...
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