World Health Day

World Health Day

In the midst of a pandemic, a polluted planet increasing diseases like cancer, asthma, and heart disease on World Health Day 2022, WHO will focus global attention on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy and foster a movement to create societies...
Importance of Glucose

Importance of Glucose

Sugar, or, scientifically, glucose, is a valuable organic compound responsible for energizing the body’s cells. Basically, it is a complex carbohydrate that enters our body with food. Many people think that glucose only harms the body, it increases body weight...
International Food: Poutine

International Food: Poutine

Poutine is a Canadian cuisine that consists of french fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. It initially debuted in rural Quebec snack bars in the 1950s and became popular across Canada and worldwide in the 1990s. Poutine may be featured on menus ranging from fine...
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