Vibrant Capsicum

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Agriculture and Organic Food

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Capsicum is a member of pepper family

Capsicum is a kind of herb that is commonly known as red pepper, bell pepper or chilli pepper. Since this herb comes from a flowering plant and we treat it as a vegetable, this really isn’t, it’s a fruit. This colourful fruit is spreading its beauty all over Bangladesh. Nowadays, the rooftop of urban buildings is seen cultivating this amazing potherb. Red, yellow, orange, green and white coloured bell pepper is commonly seen everywhere and the fact is, they all are simply green pepper that has been left on the vine to continue to ripen.

Capsicum is native to South and Central America but the name it is carrying is Greek. When Christopher Columbus returned to Europe, he carried capsicums from the recently found America. Commercially, the Cultivation of capsicum is being started in many parts of Bangladesh, especially in the Chuadanga district. Because of the ideal weather and fertile soil, the harvest is excellent. Capsicums are especially appealing to local farmers because they need less labour and time than other plants. After addressing local demand, capsicums grown in Chuadanga, are shipped to Dhaka and Chattogram by the wholesaler. Over 15 mounds of capsicums have been sold for Tk 100-120 per kilogram. Farmers in several upazilas of Bhola have been successful in planting capsicum, a popular vegetable that was long thought to be alien. In recent years, owing to the rising demand for delectable food items in the country, growers have been inspired to cultivate them and sell them in the marketplace for a good price. This fruit is not grown seasonally so people can enjoy this year-round.    

Different coloured capsicums

This member of the pepper family is found in various parts of the flesh of bell peppers and chilli peppers, as well as close to their seeds. Scientists have demonstrated capsicum’s anti-inflammatory properties as well as the protective shield it provides to your immune system. It also has anti-cancer properties and favourable effects on the bacteria in your intestine. Capsicum can protect your skin from free radicals and alleviate rashes. It is frequently applied to the skin for the relief of arthritis pain and other ailments. All pepper species contain capsicum, which is the fruit of these green plants. Chilli powder is widely used in food preparation, and it is often blended with sweet tomato juice to flavour a variety of fiery sauces. If used correctly, capsaicin, the other name for capsicum, can help you lose weight and enhance your metabolism. Chilli plant extracts and red pepper flavour enhance your cooking skills and provide you with the additional spices you require in your dishes. Although those with haemorrhoids should avoid eating red hot chilli peppers because they may experience burning when going to the bathroom, all other forms of capsaicin consumption are safe. 

Capsicum is a chemical compound that can be found in creams, ointments, tablets, and lotions. People who want to lose weight can readily obtain liquid or tablet capsicum to boost their body’s metabolism rate. Capsicum supplements may be beneficial to people who are on diabetes medication. Not to mention the fact that the vast majority of people suffering from neurological and musculoskeletal pain can get benefit from capsaicin patches and creams.

This less pungent chilly item grabs people’s tongues and hearts with its magic. The chilly-looking shape but sweet pepper act has played as a mind-blowing fiction of taste. Whatever the name it is being carried, all kinds of people welcomed this fruit or veg or spice happily.   

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