Beetroot as a Vegetable

by | Oct 8, 2022 | Agriculture and Organic Food

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Various kinds of vegetables can be found in our country throughout the year based on taste and qualities. Beet is one of them and is considered a temperate corp that has been successfully developed by an international agrochemical company named ‘Syngenta’. Bangladesh has tropical weather and is suitable for cultivating this plant. Beet plants have two portions, leaves and roots. Beet is an immune-boosting food that acts as an antioxidant, antimicrobial and antiviral agent since it possesses nutrients like magnesium, sodium, potassium, vitamin C, and betalain. Beetroot is famous worldwide and eaten in different ways in different regions. In Europe, beetroot soup is well known; in Serbia, Beetroot is used as a salad; in Ukraine, Beetroot is cooked with horseradish. Chopped, cooked, spiced Beetroot is common in Indian cuisine as a side dish. Beetroot fry is also renowned in many parts of our country. Besides, we can always use Beetroot as a salad. It looks good, tastes good, and is full of minerals and vitamins.

Raw Beetroot is 88% water, 10% carbohydrates, 2% protein, and less than 1% fat. A 100 gram of Beetroot contains about 43 kilocalories of food energy. A clinical trial review reported that consumption of beetroot juice modestly reduced systolic blood pressure. Also, the betalains of Beetroot can prevent and treat hypertension or cardiovascular diseases and the proliferation of human tumour cells can be inhibited. Moreover, beetroots do not cost much and are affordable for anyone. Another essential feature of tropical sugar beets is their high sucrose content. So, it can be used as an alternative to sugar cans. While our sugar cans can meet only 25% of the sugar demand domestically, sugar beets can be a great asset in producing sugars. Beetroots are expanding all over our country and cultivating beetroots is a source of income for many farmers. Beetroot is a balanced nutritious vegetable in all aspects. Furthermore, it has an affordable price and good taste and there are so many recipes for cooking Beetroot.

People are aware of the health benefits of beetroot consumption. Farmers want to keep cultivating their land if they get any technical help. Because one of the most significant issues they experience during growing Beetroot is a seed shortage. The majority of farmers sell their harvested crops in the local market. Pricing is one of the most challenging aspects of selling beetroot veggies to customers and negotiating with buyers. This product is economically viable, and beetroot cultivation and sale should be encouraged in Bangladesh, with the appropriate steps made to expand production and consumption. So, if you did not try Beetroot before, why not give it a try today?

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