Vegan cosmetics: More than fashion, a reality

by | Jan 7, 2023 | Vegan Corner

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Vegan Cosmetics are made with harmless vegan ingredients

The vegan trend is gaining strength in our society every day and has already come to the beauty sector to stay. That is why there are more and more cosmetics adapted to this trend that avoids any component of animal origin.

Veganism is an alternative to consuming products that come from animal exploitation, a philosophy that applies to all areas of life: food, clothing, hygiene etc., including cosmetics. The use of vegan beauty items is a growing trend, which will help you look spectacular. 

A vegan product does not contain ingredients of animal origin or derivatives, such as biotin, collagen, beeswax, carmine, glycerin or keratin, among others. They only include vegetable or synthetic ingredients but without any animal exploitation.

Many cosmetic firms have vegan products, but not all have 100% references within this category, although they have a wide range according to these principles. More and more consumers are looking for vegan cosmetics, which are in line with their convictions.

Vegan Cosmetics are safe for the skin

Although most cosmetic ingredients are of synthetic origin, many plant, mineral and animal derivatives are also used. The latter are excluded from a vegan cosmetics.

Ingredients that are not considered vegan

It is easy to recognize ingredients such as honey or milk, but others such as keratin or silk protein can mislead us. These are the most common that, if you join the vegan trend, you should avoid:

– Wax and honey: Derived from the bee.

– Cochineal extract: It is a natural pigment based on a crushed insect, the cochineal.

– Collagen: From animal bones and cartilage.

–  Keratin: A protein is present in the hair, hooves and horns of animals.

–  Lanolin: We extracted from sheep’s wool.

–  Milk: Usually cow, but also a donkey, sheep, goat 

–  Squalene: Shark liver oil.

–  Cod liver oil

–  Mink oil

–  Silk protein: It is extracted from the cocoons of silkworms.

–  Glycerin: It is derived from tallow and beef fat. A vegan cosmetic can be natural, made from plants or minerals, but it can also be made with synthetic ingredients, as long as it does not include an animal ingredient in its formula. If you want to get started in the vegan trend or have already embraced this philosophy for a long time, you will find products easily nowadays

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