Disadvantages of Being Vegan

by | Jan 17, 2023 | Vegan Corner

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Not maintaining proper vegan food diet can lead you to many difficulties

Veganism often comes with some drawbacks and obstacles, either on a personal level or due to our environment. Despite the advances of recent years, being a vegan still finds shortcomings in his environment, from his family to society through the existing production and economic system. However, this does not mean that being vegan is impossible, we simply have to know its disadvantages well and learn to solve them in the best possible way.

Just as we find multiple benefits of being vegan, we will also have to face some drawbacks of veganism both on a social level and on a health level. The transition to the vegan diet will directly affect our daily lives-

Change life habits: We will have to eliminate many foods that we have become accustomed to since childhood and introduce new ones, so we will need willpower and determination not to give up at the first change. Going vegan step by step will make the transition easier.

Try to make others understand you: It is common for your environment not to understand your decision even though they respect it. In fact, being vegan in a non-vegan family can lead to confusion and conflict when it comes to cooking, for example.

Risk of micronutrient deficiencies such as vitamins B-12 and D, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and zinc. These micronutrients are obtained from meat, dairy and eggs, and some of them can only be obtained from meat. For this reason, if we want to avoid risks when being vegan, we must go to a specialist and make sure that our vegan diet is well planned and balanced, as well as considering the consumption of supplements that provide us with those substances that fruits and vegetables cannot supply.

Getting used to new flavours, since we are familiar with the taste of meat, eggs, dairy and the introduction of some basic foods to start being vegan such as tofu, seitan or soy, can be a challenge, a little weird at first.

Read labels and learn about the composition of products and recipes: Our way of buying and consuming food products will become more detailed since we will have to read the composition of food before buying or consuming it. Another option is to also change the place of purchase and opt for stores specializing in vegan products.

Look for bars and restaurants suitable for vegans or at least with a menu that includes a dish that a vegan person can eat.

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