Tasty Hot Patties

by | Jan 18, 2023 | Street Food

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Popular street food; Hot Patties

Many people think of school life when they hear the word ‘Hot Patties’. This patties is one of the tiffin’s favourite foods. Who doesn’t love to eat crispy and sweet patties with tomato sauce? Chicken patties are a very popular breakfast. Patties is also very popular when going out to satisfy hunger. The dish is named Pattis after a cake shop called Pattis, which was built in 1966 near Lake Entrance in Australia. Since then, this cake-like sweet and sour dish has become popular all over the world.

Patties is available at very low prices in any store. There are many types of patties available salty, sweet or a mixture of both. Among them are vegetable patties, chilli patties, danish or sweet patties, crisp onion patties, fried meat patties, egg patties, chicken patties, beef mince patties, fresh salmon patties, sweet potato patties and zucchini patties. No matter how it is made, everything is incomparable in taste. Spring has just begun. The image of hanging out with loved ones or family on the verandah in the gentle breeze in the evening is different. If you have hot patties as a light snack with it, the chat will be more interesting.

Even if people like patties, many people do not eat patties thinking about whether the patties outside or in the shop are healthy. However, many people do not want to go to the complexity of making these patties at home but if you can make patties at home, the taste of patties will remain intact and you will be able to enjoy healthy delicious chicken patties. There is no complexity in making patties in this recipe.

Fry onion in oil, add chicken, pepper and salt one by one. Open the puff pastry roll and cut it into squares so that the corners are folded to the size of patties. Then add 1 tablespoon amount of chicken and fold the corners. Preheat oven to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Arrange the patties on a baking sheet with a baking sheet. Now brush the egg whites on the patties. Bake and watch occasionally so that it does not burn. Then lower it and serve hot with sauce/chutney. 

By adopting this method you can make not only chicken patties but also beef patties or vegetable patties and you can enjoy a warm spring afternoon in a hot patty.

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