Turkish Lamb Chop

by | Jan 11, 2023 | Recipe

Traditional Khichuri hobe

One of the all-time favourite Turkish meat dishes is sweet and gamy lamb chops. When you think of Turkish food, you might be reminded of delicious grilled meats served with sweet yoghurt dressings. This Turkish Lamb Chop recipe uses three juicy lamb chops and a range of spices which add really rich Turkish flavours and a crunchy texture too, just one bite will send you to the bustling city of Istanbul. Why not add a yoghurt dip on the side and a free-flowing rack for the full Turkish experience?

How to make the best Turkish lamb chops, we will know about it.


  • Lamb chops
  • White pepper powder
  • Sea Salt
  • Chilli flakes
  • Oregano
  • Smoked paprika
  • Olive oil
  • Tomato paste
  • Pepper paste
  • Sides of your choice
A Turkish Lamb Chop Dish


  • Prepare your spice mix. Start by combining your seasoning, add white pepper powder, sea salt, chilli flakes, oregano, smoked
    paprika, olive oil, tomato paste and pepper paste into a small bowl. Ensure your spices are properly combined. Use a mortar or a spice grinder if you have one to get a textured spice mix.
  • Marinate your lamb. When you will have the perfect spice mix, it is time to marinate your meat. Start by patting your mixture all over your lamb chops, ensuring that all of the meat is coated completely. Next, you should let these chops marinate at room temperature for at least 30 minutes or if you are prepared, leave them to really soak up all of the spices in the fridge for up to 24 hours.
  • Heat a pan to high and drizzle your lamb chops with additional olive oil. Grill your lamb chops until they are charred on both sides and cooked to taste on the inside. Cooking time will definitely vary and depend on how thick your chops are so be sure to watch them carefully as they are cooking.
  • Time to enjoy!
  • Serve your lamb chops with a mint yoghurt sauce and potatoes for a classic and delicious dish.
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