Rui (Rohu) Fish Curry

by | Jan 12, 2023 | Recipe

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Bengalis are fond of fish curry as the main course. As we have so many rivers, most of the source of protein comes from fish. Among some big fishes, Rui (Rohu) is argued as very tasty for making Bengali traditional curry.  A 100gm Rui (Rohu) contains about 16.4gm protein, 79gm calories, 223mg phosphorus and 1.4gm fat which make your body fit and strong.

Here is an easy recipe for this fish that can be worthy of health as well as tummy. 


  1. Rui (Rohu) fish- 4 pieces
  2. Onion- 1 cup
  3. Tomato- half cup (optional)
  4. Ginger paste, Garlic paste – 1 tbsp
  5. Dry red chilli and green chilli- 2 to 4 pieces (according to your tolerance)
  6. Salt- according to taste
  7. Powder (turmeric, cumin, coriander)- 1tsp
  8. Oil- half cup 
  9. Coriander leaves 
A plate of Rui fish curry


Rub Rui (Rohu) fish with 1 tsp salt and ½ tsp turmeric powder and keep it for 10 minutes. Heat oil in a pan and fry the pieces of fish until it turns brown. In the remaining oil, add the rest of the oil and onion, tomato, red chilli, ginger paste, garlic paste, and powders one after another. Stir all for one minute over medium heat. Add a little bit of water during this time so that the mixture cannot be burnt. After a few minutes when it looks reddish, add extra water to make gravy. Next, add the fish pieces and salt to taste. Cover the pan and low heat. Before finishing add green chilli and coriander leaves. Enjoy this curry with steamed rice.  

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