Garlic Bread

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Recipe

Traditional Khichuri hobe

In any big festival like New Year’s Eve, Thanksgiving Day, or Christmas, garlic bread is so popular. It’s a type of bread that is topped with a mixture of butter, garlic and different types of herbs. Garlic bread is mostly made with crusty bread like a baguette. The health benefits of this food depend on the ingredients that are used. This tasty appetizer contains some fat but you can make a few adjustments to make it healthy. A small amount of grain, a little amount of real butter or olive oil and fresh garlic are healthy. Using simple ingredients is the secret tip to making the tastiest garlic bread. You have to make sure that you have used fresh garlic.


  • ½ cup Softened butter
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 2 tbsp chopped coriander
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • 2 mini baguettes


  • In a small bowl mix the butter, garlic, black pepper and salt (as much needed) and make a garlic compound butter.
  • Cut the mini baguettes into a few pieces.
  • You have to spread the cut sides of bread liberally with garlic butter.
  • Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. 
  • Bake until the bread is toasty and golden at the edge. It will take about 10 minutes.
A hot plate of garlic bread

It is one of the easiest foods to make. Simple yet delicious and healthy garlic bread can be your saviour when you are hungry and need something nutritious. You can even make it without an oven. You will only need a frying pan. So, give it a try and enjoy your delicious garlic bread with a big roasted turkey. 

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