Dhonepatar Bhorta (Mashed Coriander Leaves)

by | Jan 16, 2023 | Recipe

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Coriander leaves are an amazing herb in the world of cooking. Coriander leaves are always used in any winter vegetable or salad. Also, for some people, this is a matter of choice which needs to be filled in all the time. Even if the quantity is left out, the desire to eat should be strong in the fragrance that is obtained from it. To make bhorta one does not need a recipe. That is the choice, how do you want to have this? However, let’s see a simple and long-lasting dhonepatar bhorta recipe that you can keep in the fridge for a few days if you want.


  • Fresh coriander leaves
  • Green chillies
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Salt and
  • Mustard oil


Raw fresh coriander leaves should be well washed and cleaned. Determine the number of raw chillies according to your taste. Chop the garlic and a large onion. Now fry these ingredients for a while in a dry frying pan without oil. Remove from the pan when all is well combined. Now you can add salt to the mix and blend it in a blender. Once the paste is done, add mustard oil to it. That’s the way it is done.

Many people add nigella also to this dhonepata bhorta. This mash brings a great taste to hot rice. In winter, when the Pithapuli (winter cake) is arranged, the Chitai Pitha seems to be unsuitable except for the coriander paste. Many people have a lot of fun eating Mara Pitha or Kalai Ruti. For those who are happy to have coriander leaves on the table, this recipe can be a special item for them because it can be made once and eaten again and again.

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