World Diabetes Day

by | Jan 17, 2023 | Health and Diet

Traditional Khichuri hobe

A healthful diet contains nutritious foods from all the major food groups including whole grains, healthy fats, lean proteins, fruits and vegetables of different colours. Healthful eating and diet also mean replacing foods that contain high fats, added salt and sugar with more nutritious foods. A healthy diet has many health benefits along with mental benefits. It can help to build strong bones, protect the heart, can control health conditions like diabetes, and prevent other health conditions. People were not conscious of healthy eating and dieting was an option for them! 

Nowadays this notion has changed drastically. According to the report of the World Health Organization, about 460 million people are suffering from a serious health condition, diabetes. People who do not follow any diet and end up eating more, who have obesity, and heart diseases are more likely to have diabetes. For creating awareness in people regarding healthy eating and diet and also to let them know the impact of diabetes, IDF and the World Health Organization declared 14th November as World Diabetes Day in 1991. It became an official UN day in 2006. It has been celebrated as a campaign to create awareness among all ages of people. 

It is important to check your sugar level

Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how our body turns food into energy. Most of the food that we eat is broken down into glucose and released into our bloodstream. When blood sugar goes up it signals our pancreas to release insulin. Insulin acts like a key to let blood sugar into our body cells for use as energy. Adults, children or people of any age can be affected by diabetes as it knows no age! It is very important to maintain a proper healthful diet for diabetics’ patients so that they can keep their blood glucose levels within the range. 

The healthful foods that a diabetic patient can eat are-

i. Vegetables: Broccoli, Carrots, Green peppers, Tomatoes and also starchy foods like Potatoes and Corn.  

ii. Fruits: Orange, Apples, Berries, Melons, Bananas and Grapes.

iii. Grains: Half of the whole grains including Rice, Wheat, Pasta and Cereal. 

iv. Protein: Lean meat, Chicken, Fish, Eggs, Nuts and Tofu. 

v. Dairy: Yogurt and Lactose-free milk. 

Fruits are healthy for diabetic patients

Physical activity is also needed along with a diet for diabetic patients. It is an important part to manage blood glucose levels to keep them within range. People who are suffering from obesity are more likely to have diabetes, so physical activity like running, exercise, yoga, etc are beneficial for them. 

This year, WHO has also declared diabetes a high risk because of this global pandemic, Corona Virus (COVID-19). Every year themes are followed by World Diabetes Day. The theme for World Diabetes Day of 2021 is Access to Diabetes Care. Millions of people in the world do not have access to diabetes care. Diabetic patients need regular care and a proper health guide for eating and medicines. Because of the global pandemic, this should be highlighted across the world to care for and prevent diabetes. 

Diabetes is a threatening health condition that has a lot of risks. People with diabetes may worry about going without their favourite foods. But the good news is, a diabetic patient can enjoy his/her favourite food or meal by having a smaller portion of it. By creating a healthy meal plan and doing physical activity is the key to keeping the glucose level within range for a diabetic patient. World Diabetes Day is the day when these important facts regarding healthy eating and being fit are known to all. Everyone should keep this in mind and follow a healthful diet as we all believe in the proverb- “Health is wealth.”

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