Vinyasa Yoga: Place in a Special Way

by | Jan 17, 2023 | Health and Diet

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Vinyasa is a style of yoga. It is characterized by stringing postures together that help you to move from one to another using breath control. It is commonly referred to as ‘Flow’ yoga.  Sometimes it is confused with ‘power yoga’ also. The word vinyasa has many meanings. It came from the Sanskrit word which refers to ‘Place in a special way’. Vinyasa has some important poses with the breath to get a continuous flow. Inhalation is connected to upward and open movements while exhalation is mostly tied to downward movements or twists.

Krishnamacharya is the founder of vinyasa. Breathing or pranayama is an ancient yoga method that has many benefits and unparalleled possibilities. In this yoga, Krishnamacharya combined breathing with movement, by which he gave birth to the new form which was called Vini yoga. Vinyasa Yoga was exhibited from the Ashtanga lineage. Vinyasa generally requires at least some primary knowledge of yoga poses. It can still be prominent for beginners. In recent times there are plenty of beginners’ vinyasa yoga classes and workshops available in studios and online. Since vinyasa is the meeting of movement and breath, you can expect to do sequences of postures that reflect this system. 

Yoga improves wellness of body and mind

The typical vinyasa sequence will usually incorporate three specific postures: Chaturanga, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana. While these are components of a typical sun salutation, these three postures are used most often in vinyasa sequence sets. They can be practised differently or combined as a string of poses within the larger vinyasa flow. They are also mostly used to transition between different combinations of poses throughout the flow, as they put the spine in a ‘reset’ position before beginning a new programme. 

Vinyasa yoga helps construct and maintain strong bones, muscles and connective tissue to sustain a high metabolism, healthy posture and an active body. This work will burn more calories, improve body and mind awareness, and enhance movement pathways in the body to enhance swiftness, liveliness and grace in motion. For beginners, it can be an effective way to burn calories as this yoga acts to move pose to pose and thus it needs effort. 

To make our body parts active with our mind we need to follow some discipline. Yoga can participate as a major role to maintain this. We want to live healthily ultimately. So, practising good yoga like vinyasa can help to balance our regular lifestyle.

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