Differently Delicious

by | Jan 14, 2023 | Experience

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Eating barbecue fish in Saint Martin is a must

St. Martin’s always reminds me of eating marine fish. Coral barbecue in particular is very spicy. Travelling is a wonderful thing where nature has a different pull. The first tour of my life was St.Martin and when I went there, I tried many new foods. The way people live in different places is different, and the way they cook food tastes different. The first thing that becomes memorable was St. Martin’s Coral Island. To me, it’s an island of dreams. I only knew it is an atoll and nothing about the coral island. Actually, I did not really want to know because I wanted to go somewhere without an idea, to enjoy the joy of being lost. 

At 7 am we finished the long way trip and found our resort, a beautiful quiet place.  After getting freshened up we went to the beach without waiting. We were impatient to taste the food of that area. So, we came to the beach-side restaurant so that we could eat marine fish. According to our plan, we ordered Roasted Coral Fish, Fried Rupchanda Fish, Fried Tuna Fish and Mashed Chicken.

Mashed Chicken seemed weird to me but that was different in taste. Before that day, I did not try or heard about that recipe. That item was unexpected as my tour place. I felt being lost inside my mouth while having Mashed chicken there because we planned to have fish, not meat.

The satisfaction of sitting by the sea and enjoying tasty food is probably nowhere to be found. Every dish we have taken was very unique in taste, especially the Fried Tuna and Mashed Chicken. First of all, it was my first visited place, and secondly, I love the sea. So, experiencing a new food item like Mashed Chicken was quite a memorable experience. 

In the afternoon, sitting by the sea and having a cup of tea was a great time for me. I understood all the happiness is here while watching the sunset. In the evening, we preferred eating Fried Crab, Fried Shrimp, Coral Barbecue and more. It filled both our hearts and stomach with joy. The cooking was very good there. I have not forgotten yet the taste of that cooking and the smell of masala. 

At night, St. Martin looks its best. The stars were twinkling in the sky over the water. The sound of the wave seemed that nature was singing. I started humming with a cup of tea in hand. Remembered all the moments I have enjoyed so far.  Suddenly, I started planning to cook the same food I have experienced here after going back home. The ingredients used in those foods were not very expensive but the technique was different. And I believe that when I will try it, it will not taste the same way because I will not get the sea. 

Before coming back home we tried different types of mashed items as I had a good idea about that item after having Mashed Chicken. For breakfast, we had Mashed Potato, Mashed Tuna Fish and the same Mashed Chicken which attracted me. We enjoyed ourselves a lot on that tour and I suggest to my friends all the time to taste those items if they go there. Bangladesh is a beautiful country, and when the local foods of every corner come with their unique taste I become a foodie. I am happy to taste different items from everywhere I travel. 

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