Happy Thanksgiving Day!

by | Jan 10, 2023 | Celebration

Traditional Khichuri hobe

No matter how people live their lives in this world, the first basic need is the same for everyone and that is food. From the ‘Big Bang’ until today, every creature has been trying to find food. Food keeps us alive, gives us energy and increases our ability to do many things. So there is no supplement to this food in this world. So, we can say that it is very natural for everyone to be grateful for the daily supply of food. And to express this gratitude, people have also arranged a special event. Yes, I’m talking about ‘Thanksgiving Day’.

Although the festival is not celebrated in every part of the world, it is celebrated in the United States, Canada and some parts of Europe.

It is held annually on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States and on the second Monday in October in Canada. As such, if the American rule is followed, this year’s Thanksgiving Day is being celebrated on Thursday, 25th November. This day is celebrated mainly to express gratitude to the Creator. There is a table full of food. The special attractions are ‘Roasted Turkey’ and ‘Pumpkin Pie’. No, this is not the end. The dining table will be incomplete without Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Corn, Stuffing, Garlic bread, Casserole, and Sweet Potato Candy. Although the arrangement of food varies with the change of era or area, the arrangement will not be completed without turkey and pumpkin pie.

It is said that 102 pilgrims left England in 1620 on a ship named ‘May Flower’ to practice their religion. Eventually, they reached the coast of Massachusetts, USA, with pale faces from the cold in winter and hunger. An American Indian tribe called ‘Squat’ stood beside the weak and sick passengers. They taught how to cultivate corn, how to catch fish and how to collect sap from maple trees. Gradually they all built a village together called ‘Plymouth’. In November 1621, the people of Plymouth achieved the result of their struggle, the crops. Then the governor of that time organized a banquet for all. At that event, they first thanked the Creator for keeping them alive and then thanked each other for their continued support. This is the beginning of Thanksgiving, which was later recognized by President George Washington at the national level in 1789 as “Thanks Giving Day” and was declared an annual holiday by President Abraham Lincoln in 1963.

Apart from organizing so many meals, one of the interesting activities of the day is the ‘Parade’. The main attraction of the parade is the balloons of various characters inflating and floating in the air, and the presence of various popular personalities, bands and costumes. On this day, a person is given different things as gifts and invited to the house and fed. The whole family gathers at this festival. This is why turkey is the main attraction of Thanksgiving. This turkey is like the giant wildfowl of the peacock species. A turkey meets the food needs of everyone in the family. It is said that at that time cows and hens were reared to meet the demand for milk and eggs and the turkey was the best for meat. Pumpkin pie was also organized due to the high yield of sweet pumpkins in early winter. So, food can be varied in this day but these two cannot be absent, they are a part of the culture. That’s why in the famous American TV sitcom series ‘Friends’, though Phoebe considers turkey as a beautiful and intelligent animal, Joey alone finishes a whole turkey.

No matter what religion we belong to, the purpose is ‘Peace’. People of any religion cannot survive without food. So there is no need for any particular religion or any particular cause to express gratitude to the Creator. We may not always be able to thank the hundreds of people for their contributions who are by our side in this hectic life. So on this day, it can be said, let the world be healthy, beautiful and peaceful. Let be filled up with crops. Let there be unity among the people. Let’s all live happily with heartfelt gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving!

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