Happy New Year!

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Celebration

Traditional Khichuri hobe

‘New Year’s Eve’ is an event that takes place when the world celebrates the end of one year and the beginning of the next. The New Year is first celebrated in Oceania, and the event is first celebrated on a small pacific island. In the Gregorian calendar, the most widely used calendar system today, the first day of January is often considered a national holiday across the world. 

In many cities across the world, fireworks displays take place as soon as the clock strikes midnight on the last day of the year, December 31. New Year’s Day celebrations vary across different cultures, and certain parts of the world have specific traditions associated with the day. People dress colourfully and indulge in fun-filled activities. Nightclubs, movie theatres, resorts, restaurants and amusement parks are filled with people of all ages on New Year’s Eve. People greet and wish each other a ‘Happy New Year’.

It is said that New Year’s good luck foods have been known to cause health, happiness, and wealth for centuries. Besides, people don’t miss any scope to enjoy this event. But food also has some significance based on this occasion; here are some of them- 

Grapes: In Spain and Mexico, when the clock strikes midnight, people try to eat twelve grapes as quickly as possible because each grape will bring luck for the twelve months ahead.

Pomegranate: Pomegranate seeds have always been affiliated with fertility. In Greece, the whole fruit is thrown across the floor releasing a sea of seeds that symbolise fertility, life, and abundance. 

Baked Pineapple Salmon: Fish symbolizes abundance around the world, but the way it is eaten is different depending on where you live.

Noodles: Super long noodles are thought to bring long life, especially if you can eat them without breaking them in half. 

Round cake: Round cakes, and other circular sweets signify the circle of life to lucky eaters.

Fruit Salad: Asian cultures believe that eating oranges and honey will bring good fortune, wealth, and money.

Stuffed Cabbage: Greens of any sort represent wealth and money. So cabbage here makes some belief to some people.

At any party on New Year Eve, turkey, potato, bread, salad, jam, jelly, different types of desserts like- pie, trifle, pudding are a tradition. The cake, however, is an important part of this festival. Without several soft drinks and soda, it seems to be incomplete. After a big occasion of Christmas, New Year’s Eve brings the last celebration for that year. 

The main celebration starts at the midnight. Concerts, dance parties, family gatherings and friends engaging are the most common activities for the eve. The main attraction at midnight is the fireworks. Many big countries celebrate their new year with outstanding fireworks. Millions of people gathered to watch and enjoy that moment. 

Every new thing has a new and fresh start. A new year is no different than that. After a long twelve months, people tend to restart their journey again. Lots of resolutions have been made; projects have been planned based on them. Apart from any religion, caste, race and culture, it is a happy moment for all. 

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