
You should KNOW !!!

Too much nutmeg can get you high. Pineapples can take two or three years to grow. Peppers have more vitamin C than oranges. Lemons float but limes sink. Cilantro and fresh coriander are the same things.

Interesting Facts

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. Turmeric is good for pain and inflammation. Ants take rest for around 8 minutes in 12 hours period. Raw oysters are still alive until you eat them. Carrots were usually purple.

Did you know?

In Turkey, Eid-ul-Fitr is often called Seker Bayram, or the sugar festival. And that means lots of Baklava. Ripe cranberries will bounce like rubber balls. Did you know some smells can actually have a physical effect on your body? Not coffee! You should really be...

Interesting Facts

A study by Harvard found that drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day prevented memory decline. Drink up. Apples give you more energy than coffee. Broccoli contains more protein than steak. The stickers that are placed on our favourite fruit are actually fine to eat....
Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. Turmeric is good for pain and inflammation. Ants take rest for around...

Did you know?

Did you know?

In Turkey, Eid-ul-Fitr is often called Seker Bayram, or the sugar festival. And that means lots of Baklava. Ripe...

Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts

A study by Harvard found that drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day prevented memory decline. Drink up. Apples give...

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