World Vegetarian Day

by | জানু. 11, 2023 | Uncategorized

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Who loves vegetables at an early age? From textbooks to society, we are always taught to eat vegetables and love vegetables. But I feel vegetables are like the rebuke of our parents. We don’t realize their significance at a very early stage, and it makes us feel horrible. But when the reality of life hits us hard, we realize its actual worth, and then we regret the late realization.

There is no doubt about the significance of vegetables in phytochemical activities and in boosting the immune system. In dietary food, vegetables are also important; it plays a vital role in all aspects. They provide the required vitamins and antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal activities. Winter vegetables are the favourite item for most people; those who don’t eat vegetables much try winter vegetables. Being Bengali, we have inherited to prioritize carbohydrates and proteins over vegetables which is a major reason for our unhealthy food issues. It is just about boosting our immune system to protect ourselves. 

A bowl of vegetables keeps you healthy

Every year people celebrate the 1st of October as World Vegetarian Day to encourage people to consume vegetables to fulfil their nutritional demands. Only being healthy can ensure additional efficiency in our work and lifestyle. An unhealthy life not only takes us to a dull and meaningless life but also decreases our efficacy level. Besides different severe diseases caused by an unhealthy diet is a whole new discussion. 

Vegetables at the local market

In a generation of junk food, a healthy diet of vegetables is like a little ray of hope to live a better life. Therefore, let’s hope World Vegetarian Day will bring us a  better future where we can gift ourselves a better lifestyle and immune system by consuming the required vegetables in our everyday diet.

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