World Egg Day

by | জানু. 11, 2023 | Uncategorized

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Eggs have a significant role in the lives of humans. According to experts, eggs have been playing an important role in the lives of humans since ancient times. Eggs are high in protein, and they contain all nine essential nutrients. Scientists say that a person should eat at least one egg per day along with other foods to stay fit and healthy. By eating an egg a day, people can be free from cholesterols; its anti-oxidant can keep your eyesight much better, and so on. World Egg Day is celebrated to let people know these varieties of packages of deliciousness and importance as well.

World Egg Day was established in 1996 in Vienna. It was decided to celebrate to highlight the importance of eggs every year on the second Friday in October. On this very day, 40 countries worldwide have been celebrating this day. Consumers worldwide have celebrated this nutrient-rich food by creating various ways to honour it. The day of celebration has evolved to become more of a global message. In other countries, people celebrate World Egg Day with a plate of scrambled eggs, and a bit of cheese served with a cup of bacon. 

How to make omelette

World Egg Day was established in Bangladesh in 2013. That year Bangladesh celebrated World Egg day for the first time on 11th October. Since then, the event has been celebrated annually in the country. In Bangladesh, on average, each person eats 45-50 eggs every year, whereas according to FAO, a person should eat at least 104 eggs per year. In 2017, an egg sale fair was held at the Krishibid Institution of Bangladesh to celebrate the day. It was jointly organized by the Bangladesh Poultry Industries Central Council (BPICC) and the Department of Livestock Services. The organizers brought around 100,000 eggs for sale. They sold about 80,000 eggs in just half an hour. People from different cities gathered at the venue that day to buy eggs. The crowd was so huge that the organizers had to halt the sale. But the organizers were satisfied with the public response, and they intended to hold another sale. Every year there is a different theme to celebrate the day. Last year, the theme was ‘Eat Your Egg Today and Every Day.’ This year’s theme is ‘Eggs for all: Nature’s perfect package.’ 

This year is the 25th anniversary of the event. Over the years, the event has featured various competitions and events related to the egg. It also released several cookbooks with creative egg recipes. Last year Due to the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, the egg celebration became more digital. With the help of various digital platforms, it was able to reach a wider audience. This year’s event will feature multiple virtual and in-person festivities and will be held in many locations. The IEC (International Egg Commission) has created an Industry Toolkit that includes key messages and promotional materials to support egg businesses.

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