Sinbad, the sailor sold a food item on his fifth voyage according to the tale of the Arabian Nights. Can you tell me what it is? Yes, it is coconut and we are celebrating 2nd September as World Coconut Day. This day is observed to bring coconut into the spotlight so that people can know its benefits of it. This day is specially celebrated by Asian Pacific Coconut Community (APCC) which facilitates huge coconut production centres. On 2nd September, the world celebrates one of nature’s healthiest foods and promotes the uses and importance of coconuts not only for health purposes but economic also.
Coconut is one of the most versatile gifts of nature. It has zero wastage; it is best during summer as it keeps the stomach cool. Even coconut fiver also known as coir can be used to make eco-friendly brushes, ropes or doormats. It is used over centuries to make robust armour with its fibre. It’s a tough fruit to crack, but the good makes it worth it. Coconut is surely a wonder fruit. Many think of it as a nut because of its name but, it isn’t. Like peach, mango, cashew, or cherry, it is a drupe. It can be incorporated into the diet in a variety of ways and can do miracles to the overall health of the body, skin, intestine and hair. It can be used to treat dehydration, it is said that many got benefits from its water during world war-II. It boosts the metabolism, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, potassium and magnesium. In different forms, this drupe is anti-fungal, anti-bacteria, anti-parasite and anti-viral. Coconuts have been a powerhouse since providing us with a vast range of products and benefits.
The very refreshing coconut water has a plethora of angles. It is a delicious, nutritious and natural beverage that’s extremely good for us. It may benefit our heart, blood sugar, Kidney and more. Coconuts can be eaten either raw or cooked and they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and powerful antioxidants. After drinking the water, we can also eat the delicious white flesh. It adds extra taste to make various types of desserts. Coconut milk is a very popular item which is widely used in many Asian cuisines, especially in Bangladesh, South India, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
Additionally, coconut milk is an excellent hair conditioner. We can apply coconut milk to our hair and scalp and rinse after a few minutes. This will make our hair soft and shiny and improves the health of hair by reducing hair fall. Coconut milk is also an ideal ingredient to be added to homemade face masks in place of water. Coconut oil is greater in used of skin care and hair care. It is even used as a replacement for butter in many recipes.
The hard shell of the fruit is useful too. It is traditionally used in homes to steam food. Many beautiful craft items are made out of coconut shells. Children use them for playing as well.

There are a number of uses for coconut husk. They can be used as natural scrubbers to clean plates, cups, other vessels and even the floor. Also, we can make ropes from coconut husk and it’s a very profitable business. The leaves of the coconut palms are very large and beautiful. People used these leaves to make fences as well as roofs for their small huts and in many places, people still use them for thatching. Coconut leaves have thick sticks that can be used to make brooms for home. People make these coconut brooms for both domestic and commercial use. Coconut husk, shells, leaves, leaf stems and flower stems are used for fire in traditional kitchens.
This is the actual motif of World Coconut Day. As from up to bottom of it is usable, it should be highlighted properly to encourage people who are working with it, who are promoting this by producing various things. This Maldivian national tree creates a good feeling when we see the rows around the beach area. Besides, when these helpful criteria come with a celebration people can feel the blessings of nature.