Snake Soup

by | জানু. 10, 2023 | Uncategorized

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Snakes are limbless reptiles, fearsome animals for some people. On the other hand, it is very tasteful for some others while turning into soup. Snake Soup!! Yes!! It makes our forehead frown because we can never think of such a kind of soup. Let’s know something about this bizarre food.

This is one of the most bizarre foods we have known. It is a popular Chinese delicacy that consists of a minimum of two types of snake meat. Snake soup may sound weird to us but it is a 200-year-old Chinese delicacy. People of Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan find this light pink snake meat the most delightful dish. They enjoy snake soup boiled with chicken, pork bones, spices, etc. Snake meat looks and tastes similar to chicken when it is cooked.

During the month of winter, this traditional soup is the most prominent dish among the people of Hong Kong. Not only the people of Hong Kong but also Eastern Asian people love snake soup. This flavourful dish has both a sweet and spicy taste along with a warming vibe. It has some medicinal benefits too.

A snake in the jungle

According to Chinese culture, if you want to use snakes to stew and drink, you must see if they are poisonous. If snakes are poisonous, don’t eat them. Usually drinking snakes in a stewed soup can treat our symptoms of palpitation. Snake soup is a good food to replenish the body. It is rich in protein and a lot of trace elements, so you can usually eat more to help supplement the nutrition in the body, and girls eating snake soup can also have a beauty effect. In addition, it is also very good for skincare, so if you want your skin to get better, you can eat more snake soup. 

Special training is required in culinary techniques of making snake soup and this is why this soup is becoming rare nowadays. In Hong Kong, the snake soup industry is declining as there are fewer skilled people for preparing the soup.

The Chinese believe in snake’s healing properties and it may help to reduce muscle pains. Nutritious and delicious food like snake soup has several health benefits like reducing headaches, high blood temperature, and stomach pain as well. It plays an important role in improving skin quality, blood nourishment, and increasing energy levels.

This item is suitable for people with weak physique, insufficient blood and malnutrition; for patients with numbness of limbs, rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis, dysentery, allergic skin diseases, and peripheral nerve palsy; for people with bone tuberculosis, joint tuberculosis and lymphatic tuberculosis. But, pregnant women should be used with caution.

Since snake meat is warming, it is believed that in the coldest winter, a wild pig can survive if it eats three snakes. Though it is weird for most of us, Chinese people enjoy this soup in winter to boost their body heat.

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