Cabbage is known as a healthy and low-budget vegetable. This vegetable is a member of the cruciferous family but most people think cabbage is from the same categorized vegetable as lettuce because of its similar appearance. Vegetables from cruciferous families are good for improving people’s diets. Cabbage has different types of beneficial nutrients.
We may have heard the name savoy cabbage, and napa cabbage but are only familiar with green, red cabbage and even purple cabbage. It also has a nice flavour but raw cabbage has a peppery flavour and crunchy texture. It tastes different when the cabbage is cooked. It’s a bit sweeter in taste. There are many other ways to enjoy cabbage and different types of cabbage dishes are available as well. Cabbage can be eaten raw in a variety of ways. Crispy and the sharp edge of cabbage is the most enjoyable part. People make some mistakes while cooking cabbage. They overcook it and think that cooked cabbage is not tasty. Stir-fried cabbage, sautéed in butter or cooked in slow heat with few ingredients, is the best-cooked cabbage dish that anyone will enjoy.

In Bangladesh, several types of cabbage seeds are being cultivated. Though cabbage is considered a winter vegetable, it can be found all year round lately for the sake of hybrid seeds. Some NGOs took some important steps toward this cultivation and introduced some Japanese cabbage seeds to the local farmers of Jibannagar in Chuadanga. Farmers are now making a good profit by selling them and the country’s economy is getting improved. Two types of highly popular seeds from BARI named ‘Provati’ and ‘Agrodut’ are hugely cultivated in recent years. While choosing cabbage, always go for the one that has brighter leaves along with crisp leaves, and fresh-looking cuts. The most common trick to finding a healthy and fresh cabbage is its weight. If the cabbage is heavier than its size, then take it without hesitation. You can skip washing the entire cabbage, only removing the first layer of the cabbage is enough to call it clean. The tough core of the cabbage should be removed and discarded. The easiest way of doing it is to quarter the cabbage.
Consuming a variety of fruits and vegetables helps us to be healthy and reduce many health risks. It contains a great source of Vitamin C and fibre. It is found in many types of research that consuming plant-based foods reduce the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. It also helps to lower weight and boost your energy. Protection from radiation therapy, heart health, immunity and digestion, and cancer prevention are the significant benefits of cabbage. Researches show that the risk of cancer can be reduced if we consume cruciferous vegetable. Cancer-fighting compound sulforaphane is found in cabbage. Histone Deacetylase, a harmful enzyme which is known to have a role in cancer cell growth, can be suppressed by Sulforaphane. Sulforaphane-containing food can perform an important role in cancer treatment because of the inhibition capacity of sulforaphane. By limiting platelet accumulation and lowering blood pressure, high polyphenol content inside cabbage may help to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. The fibre and water levels of cabbage also prevent constipation and maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Basically, a half cup of cooked cabbage can fulfil your 30-35% daily needs of vitamin c. Some people face stomach issues when they consume cruciferous vegetables. They have difficulty digesting these vegetables. So, consuming a tiny amount of boiled cabbage may help them to get rid of the indigestion problem. Winter is the source of vegetables and cabbage is one of them. This winter, have lots of vegetables and steps away from unwanted diseases.