Chingri Bora / Prawn Fritter

by | জানু. 11, 2023 | Uncategorized

Traditional Khichuri hobe

Chingri Bora is a healthy snack

Chingri Bora is a traditional delicacy of the roads of Bangladesh. Chingri Bora is called by different names in different parts of Bangladesh. It is a very common recipe but the main ingredients are served in a different ways with slight differences. Those of us who live in the city, especially in Dhaka, are more or less familiar with it. Like the rest of the street food it is served after an evening at different crowdie places in the city, it is also a favorite food of all ages. As a Bangali, we like all kinds of fish recipe food. 

Among them, Chingri is favorite to everyone. The Chingri Bora is usually made with small Chingri(Prawn) fish, a mixture of tasty spices is used in some cases lentil grind and its aroma is enough to attract anyone’s attention when it is served in an open shop. And if we want this delicious food, we can make it at home also and enjoy it with the whole family.

Today I will share with you a delicious recipe for making Chingri Bora. Small Chingri (Prawn) is usually required for making this snack. So you have to small Chingri (Prawn) from the market first. How to make it? Come to know that. So let’s start.

To make Chingri Bora you need:

1. Small Chingri (Prawn) 200 g.

2. Cut 2 onions into small pieces. (Large size)

3. Garlic 10-15 cloves chopped.

4. 4 green chillies into numerous pieces.

5. Flour 1/2 tablespoon.

6. Add 2 tablespoons.

7. 2 teaspoons of turmeric.

8. 1 handful of coriander leaves.

9. 2 tablespoons of mustard oil.

10. 2/3 teaspoon of black cumin.

11. Salt to taste.

In the beginning, small Chingri should be cleaned in a container and then washed thoroughly. Then mix the Chingri with the pre-cut onion paste, chilli paste, coriander paste, black cumin, turmeric, garlic paste, besan, flour and a little water to make a thick paste. Next, heat the oil in a frying pan over a low flame. When the pan is hot, stir it with a little mustard oil and apply it well around the pan.

Then, from the pre-prepared mixture, shape them into large ones and leave them in the frying pan and fry them over medium heat. After a while, once one side is fried, turn them upside down with the help of a spade and if they are well browned, then the chingri bora is ready. In this way all the boras should be fried one by one from the rest of the mixture.

If you don’t just want to have breakfast in the evening, then if you can serve it with lunch or dinner, it will be different to taste and enjoyable for everyone. 

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