by Nishat Anzum | জানু. 14, 2023 | Uncategorized
Cabbage is known as a healthy and low-budget vegetable. This vegetable is a member of the cruciferous family but most people think cabbage is from the same categorized vegetable as lettuce because of its similar appearance. Vegetables from cruciferous families are...
by Nishat Anzum | জানু. 11, 2023 | Personality & Interview
রান্নার জগতে, কিছু মানুষ আছেন যারা তাদের অসাধারণ রান্নার জ্ঞানের জন্য পরিচিত। জেমি অলিভার তাদের একজন। নেকেড শেফ এবং জেমি অলিভার ফুড রেভোলিউশনের মতো শো করার পরে, এই ব্রিটিশ শেফ মানুষের দৃষ্টি আকর্ষণ করেছিলেন। প্রথম জীবন থেকেই তিনি রান্নার প্রতি অনুরাগী ছিলেন। জেমি...
by Nishat Anzum | জানু. 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
Mushroom is the generative structure created by some fungi. Mushroom is primarily known for their great taste & health benefits. Mushrooms provide a lot of essential vitamins and minerals, and also, they are fat & cholesterol-free. Fresh mushrooms are a...
by Nishat Anzum | জানু. 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
Snakes are limbless reptiles, fearsome animals for some people. On the other hand, it is very tasteful for some others while turning into soup. Snake Soup!! Yes!! It makes our forehead frown because we can never think of such a kind of soup. Let’s know something...
by Nishat Anzum | জানু. 10, 2023 | Uncategorized
The name ‘Hot Dog’ doesn’t have a slight similarity with its look of it. It is quite obvious that everyone wondered when the first time they heard the name. A flavorful sausage is served in the middle of a bun with cheese and tomato sauce and a topping is called a Hot...